May 3, 2013

" Fury Aisle "

Jeszyca, Airynn
SCENE 1Night shift at TA.

[ Jeszyca is standing at the self-check
station when Ski, Larrie, and Weis
approach her from behind. ]

SKI: Hey, someone left this blade
thingy over by customer service. 
JESZYCA: You mean a Swiss army 
SKI: Yeah, that’s it.  Can you 
lock it up until Hahn gets here
in the morning?
JESZYCA: Sure thing boss.

[ She stifles a laugh as Larrie smirks
at her and walks on with Weis. ]

SKI: We’re heading to get some
food.  You want anything from
that all-night diner?
JESZYCA: No thanks.  
SKI:  Alright.  See ya later.

[ Jeszyca can hear Weis’ voice
calling from the door. ]

‘You said I could drive, right?’

[ Weis holds up Ski's keys, smiles &
takes off for the door.  Larrie & Ski
trail after him.  ]

[ Minutes later the front end is empty & 
silent when a couple enters TA.  Stumbling 
along, they reach the closest restroom & 
head inside. ]

SCENE 2Meanwhile in Aisle 9.

 [ Airynn is putting up 2 liter bottles
when he slips into a daydream. ]

FlashbackEpisode 324*

[ He turns around
and backs up. ]

AIRYNN: Who the
hell are you?
TREY: A messenger.

[ Thinking back to that night, he recalls how
his chain hit the ground.  Not thinking
Airynn grabs for his neck, dropping the
 bottles & they hit the floor hard. ]

STUU: Hey bro, you alright?

[ Airynn looks over, then down.  Startled at 
 the growing mess beneath him. ]

AIRYNN: I’m…good.  You know where
that powder shit is before Ski gets
back and freaks on me.  
STUU: It’s in the back room.
AIRYNN: Cool, thanks.

[ Airynn wipes his forehead, half smiling he 
walks away toward the back.  Now out of
sight, he takes a puff of his inhaler, & leans
up against the wall. ]

SCENE 3In the women’s restroom.

FEMALE: I can’t believe you followed
me in here.  What if that worker lady
comes back?
MAN: Well, the door is locked.  And
I don’t really care.

[ He pushes the women against the sink,
moving his hands up her legs & right
underneath her skirt. ]

FEMALE: You don’t care because
you’re wasted.  We should’ve
stayed at home.
Come on.  We’re leaving.

[ She turns around and is shocked
by the expression on his face. ]

[ Outside the door, Jeszyca returns to
her station.  Suddenly she hears a man’s
raised voice coming from the restroom.
Kneeling by the door, she listens.  ]


[ With the sound of a muffled sceam, 
Jeszyca grabs for the handles realizing
the door is locked.

Wrestling through a drawer, she spots
the knife.  Clutching onto it, she unlocks
the door and quietly enters. ]

SCENE 4In a back room.  

[ Airynn is bundling cardboard when
he hears a pounding sound near
the garage doors.  As he gets closer,
the knocking starts again, louder. ]

“Alright, cut this silly crap.
Who is outside?”

[ Without warning he starts to raise
the door, in plain view now Airynn is 
shocked by who he finds. ]

AIRYNN: What are you doing here?
Do you want to go to jail?

[ He starts to back up while Markis
comes inside. ]

MARKIS: Man, relax!
AIRYNN: Why should I?  I know the
type of shit you get into.  You
even dragged my ex along too.
MARKIS: Wow.  I’m glad I risked
my own ass to bring you this.

[ He takes the ‘KING’ necklace
out of his pocket as Airynn stares
in disbelief. ]

AIRYNN: How did you?  Wait, a second…
You’re the one who attacked me that
MARKIS: No, I didn’t.  But I can show
you who did.

SCENE 5Up front at TA. . .

[ Ski, Weis, & Larrie return to the store.  
As the other two head back to work, 
Larrie notices Jeszyca is not around. ]

[ Passing by the restrooms he hears
a woman crying & goes to knock on
the door.  
With no answers, he looks around
& quickly comes in. ]


[ Seeing the blade on the ground
now, he immediately backs up. ]

JESZYCA: I heard a woman yell.

[ She starts, struggling through tears
It’s hard for her to speak. ]

JESZYCA: I don’t know what I was
thinking.  I grabbed the blade for
protection, but he wouldn’t stop.
I told him to leave and he just
 kept on.
LARRIE: What? What was going on? 
JESZYCA: He was forcing himself
on her. He knocked me down so
I took the blade and jammed it
into his leg.  He ran & she went
after him.
LARRIE: Oh my god, Jess.
JESZYCA: What am I gonna do?

[ Larrie picks up the knife as
Jeszyca burst into tears. ]

LARRIE: Don’t worry.  I’ll get rid
of it.  It will be alright, I promise.

[ He sits down & she falls into his arms. ]

SCENE 6In the alley between TA &
TA Salon. . .

[ Weis is smoking outside & Airynn
approaches him. ]

AIRYNN: It’s been one hell of a night.
WEIS: Uh.  Yeah, I guess. You’re
talking to me?

[ Airynn laughs a little. ]

AIRYNN: Markis was here.
WEIS: Really, what for?
AIRYNN: He had some information
about my attacker.
WEIS: Oh.  That’s good.   What
are you gonna do about it?

[ Airynn puts his arm on Weis’
shoulder to get his attention.  Now
looking right at him. ]

AIRYNN: Not a damn thing.  

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