December 31, 2009


[ Airynn is driving to college, on the phone… ]

GURL1: So, if you like me so much

How come you never come around?

AIRYNN: I'm sorry

I've been sort of busy lately

GURL1: Yeah, I have an idea

about what you've been busy with

AIRYNN: And what's that?

GURL1: Come on, Airynn

I'm not stupid. . .your name is all over campus

with the girls anyway

[ laughs ] AIRYNN: You can't listen to everything

you hear

GURL1: Well, you haven't given me any

reason not to

AIRYNN: Yeah, I know

How about we go out this weekend?

GURL1: Your taking me on an actual date?

AIRYNN: Sure, why not. . .

But I'm almost to school, so we'll talk more later

OK babe?

GURL1: Yeah, you better [ hangs up ]

[ Airynn smirks as he pulls into a parking spot. ]

[ At Amber's, she's laying in bed sleeping. ]

VOICE1: '…I wanna know about all about you'

VOICE1: 'Is this alright?'

VOICE2: 'Yeah, it's fine. . .'

'From your symptoms, it seems you have contracted. . . '

[ Dreaming, she suddenly wakes up,

checks the time & gets her phone. ]

AMBER: Hithe, wake up!. . .it's me

You guys wanna go out tonight?

[ yawns ] HITHE: What time is it? [ looks at clock ]

Why are you calling me so early?

AMBER: Sorry, I just had a bad dream

Do you want to or not?

HITHE: Hold on, Ski's calling. . .

Hey Ski, Amber's on here too

SKI: Oh, hey you two…

AMBER: Hey, you guys should come out tonight

SKI: Sorry, I already have a date

AMBER: What? With who?

SKI: Me and my bed. . .

Cuz that's where I plan on staying all weekend

HITHE: I agree

AMBER: Come on, you can't just lay around

SKI: Yes, I can

AMBER: We could all use a night out…

We haven't had one in awhile

HITHE: I don't know

AMBER: I do. . .just be readie at 9

I'll come by and get both of you

HITHE: Alright fine

SKI: Wait! But I have nothing to wear…

[ Leaning up against the wall, Airynn waits. . .

until someone comes by & he follows her. ]

AIRYNN: Marisa, hey!

[ turns around ] MARISA: Hi

Your Joh's friend, right?

AIRYNN: Uh, yeah. . .

What's up?

MARISA: Nothing, just waiting for my

psych class to start

AIRYNN: Oh, that's cool


[ leans in ] AIRYNN: So, you two getting serious?

MARISA: Me and Joh?

[ sighs ] I don't know…

AIRYNN: Oh, what do you mean?

MARISSA: Well… [ looks hiup at m ]

Wait, should I even be telling you this?

AIRYNN: It's OK, I've kinda heard…


AIRYNN: Let's just say you and him

didn't get very far

MARISS: Yeah, but how'd you know?

AIRYNN: I have my sources. . .

Anyways, we should hang out some time

[ She sees Joh pass by, smiles & waves. ]

AIRYNN: So, yea…

Here's my number [ hands her a piece of paper ]


Well, I see you later [ walks off ]

[ Airynn sits back, & smiles…]

[ comes up behind him ] JOH: Hey, what's with the sunglasses?

It's almost winter out. . .

[ Joh smirks at him & walks away/

Airynn just stares & doesn't say anything. ]

[ 'Nside the club/Amber, Hithe, + Ski sit @a table ]

SKI: OK, why am I here again?

[ sighs ] AMBER: I told you already. . .

We are here to get our minds off. . .things

I'm gonna get some drinks [ she leaves ]

HITHE: Wait, what does she have to

get off her mind?

SKI: I don't know

HITHE: Oh, anyway. . . [ looks right at Ski ]

SKI: What?

HITHE: I can't believe you were dating a

15 year old and didn't know it!

SKI: I know [ looks down ]

HITHE: You're lucky you found out

when you did though

SKI: Yeah, I guess. . . [ changes subject ]

So, have you and Kristyn talked about

what your gonna do when the baby comes?

HITHE: We're not doing anything. . .

She wants to give it up for adoption

SKI: Really, what happened?

I thought it was gonna be you, her, and the baby

You know, like. . .

HITHE: A family?

Yeah, so did I…but I guess she didn't see it that way

Where's Amber with those drinks?

SKI: I know!

[ comes up behind them ] AMBER: You called?

[ Airynn's sitting in back of class, & GURL1 comes up. ]

GURL1: Earth to Airynn!

AIRYNN: Oh hey, sorie. . .

GURL1: So, where we going tonight?

AIRYNN: Um, wherever you want [ smiles ]

GURL1: Well, what kind of place would

a guy like you take me?

AIRYNN: Why don't we go see a movie?

GURL1: OK, great!

AIRYNN: Well, class is about to start…

GURL1: Yeah, I'll talk to you later

[ She looks back excited before sitting down. ]

[ Back at the club, they're watching the dance floor. ]

AMBER: Come on, let's dance!

HITHE: I don't even think I can move

[ laughs ] SKI: Well, yeah…

This is what, your 10th drink?

HITHE: Something like that…

Look at that girl over there!

SKI: What? Who?

AMBER: Looks like someone's had

even more than you have

HITHE: Maybe

AMBER: Well, at least she's dancing

+ letting loose. . .unlike some people

[ The girl stops & starts coming toward them. ]

AMBER: Wait, is that. . .

'Hey, it's Amber…right?'

[ She comes over & sits down. ]

JESZYCA: What are your names again?

Sorry, I've been drinking all night

AMBER: That's Hithe [ she points to him ]

and don't worry so has he…

SKI: I'm Ski, I work nights with you

JESZYCA: OK, yeah!

So, I've never seen you three

in here before

AMBER: Yeah, and you might not again…

These two won't even get up off their asses

and dance

JESZYCA: Oh, that's lame!

Who needs men though. . .I'll dance with you

AMBER: What?

JESZYCA: Here. . . [ hands her a shot ]

Take this [ she grabs one too ]


[ They both drink it & put their glasses down/

Then Jeszyca grabs Amber's hand. ]

JESZYCA: You wanted to dance, right?

[ stops for a second ] AMBER: Sure, why not. . .

[ Jeszyca leads Amber out into the middle of the floor/

In they start dancing…while people clear out & watch. ]

SKI: Wow, I've never seen Amber like that before

HITHE: Yeah, I know. . .

SKI: Except for with one other person. . . [ looks at him ]

HITHE: What you mean?

Wait, who is that other girl again?

[ laughs ] SKI: Nevermind Hithe

[ It's night, Airynn's driving around

& parks in front of a house. ]

[ on the phone ] AIRYNN: Hey Marisa, what's up?

MARISSA: Nothing

AIRYNN: What's wrong? You sound upset. . .

MARISA: I'm fine, just had some plans tonight

that didn't go through

AIRYNN: With Joh?


AIRYNN: I'm sorry. . .

Yeah, I was suppose to have a date too

but she canceled on me

MARISA: Oh, I'm sorry too then

AIRYNN: It's alright. . .

Well, since we both have nothing to do

You wanna hang out?

MARISA: I don't know

I don't really feel like going out

AIRYNN: Well, I could come over

and we could just talk or whatever

MARISA: You know what, sure. . .

I was just about to watch a movie

AIRYNN: Cool, I'll be over soon!

MARISA: Wait, don't you wanna know

where I live. . .

[ Jeszyca & Amber are still dancing. . . ]

AMBER: Sorry for telling you all that. . .

I really don't know you very well

JESZYCA: It's alright

I can't believe he did that to you and then left

AMBER: Yeah, it's OK though

JESZYCA: No, it's not [ she moves closer ]

If I ever met that guy…I'd fucked him up myself!

[ laughs ] AMBER: Thanks

JESZYCA: What? I'm serious. . .

AMBER: Well, it's almost three

JESZYCA: Wow, already…

AMBER: Yeah, how you getting home?

JESZYCA: I don't know yet

AMBER: Well, I can drive you. . .

Let me just tell the boys, bye


[ Amber leaves, & Jeszyca looks away smiling. . . ]

[ Airynn's still parked out in his car, calling someone ]

GURL1: Hey! I'm all ready to go. . .

You on your way?

AIRYNN: Uh, yeah…

Something came up and I can't go tonight

GURL1: What?

AIRYNN: Yeah, I'm sorry

GURL1: You're sorry?

I just spent three hours getting ready

AIRYNN: I feel realie bad but my little brother is

sick and I told my mom I'd stay home with him

GURL1: Are you lying to me, Airynn?

AIRYNN: No, of course not!

I wanted to take you out

GURL1: OK, we'll I hope he feels better

Call me tomorrow

AIRYNN: Thanks, I will [ hangs up ]

[ He gets out the car & walks up to the house. ]

[ opens the door ] MARISA: Hey

AIRYNN: Hey, ready to watch the movie?

[ The next morning everyone is sleeping. . .

Ski wakes up next to Hithe/ Jeszyca's in Amber's bed

alone/ & Airynn's sleeping next to Marisa on the couch. ]

(              Edited 0616               )

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