October 8, 2014

Caged In Part 1 &2

Employee back lot, TA.

[ Tiesun & Stuu are sitting
at the table outside. ]

TIESUN: I thought you were
cool with Larrie.  What’s the
STUU: Oh, I am.  Just didn’t
see him as your type.  As
long as things don’t change
between us though. I’m good.
TIESUN: It won’t.  He has his
friend time and I have mine.
Us dating won’t make things
STUU: If you stay so.
TIESUN: I do. So stop
worrying about it.

[ She smiles at Stuu. ]

STUU: I wasn’t. He has been
texting you a lot tonight.
TIESUN: That’s pretty normal.
I like that he’s attentive.
STUU: Maybe it is.  I wouldn’t
really know.

[ They stop talking and Stuu
looks down.  Suddenly a car
pulls into the lot & parks. ]

STUU: Isn’t that.

[ They see Larrie get out &
start walking towards them. ]

Next day at TA Salon.

 [ Sascha is sitting down
with Karie & Lorenzo
standing by her station. ]

KARIE: So how are things
with Pierre?  I feel like
you hardly had any time
for me this summer.

[ She sticks her lip out
& they laugh. ]

SASCHA: They’re good.  He’s
leaving tonight though.

[ Sascha looks down &
Lorenzo puts his arm
around her. ]

LORENZO: So sorry to hear
that.  But I’m here.

[ She shakes him off her. ]

LORENZO: What? It was a joke.

KARIE: Anyway.  If only he
could find a job here.  Things
would be a lot easier for you

SASCHA: That would be nice.

Meanwhile, outside TA.

[ Dyminic pulls up to the
building & Amber gets out,
waving to him.

She sees Monica giving her
a look. ]

AMBER: What? I’m having
car problems. 
MONICA: Sure that’s all you’re
AMBER: Very sure. Me and
Dyminic are just friends.
MONICA: Well the way he looks
at you says different.  Just
AMBER: I haven’t noticed.

[ Kyle pulls in by the curb &
waves to them. ]

AMBER: Where are you guys
off to?
MONICA: Picking up Kii from
AMBER: Oh alright.  Just remember
…..strictly platonic. Read my lips.

[ Monica rolls down the window
before they drive off. ]

MONICA: Okay, Mrs. Jones.

TA, the night before.

[ Larrie sits down across
from Stuu & Tiesun. ]

“I got munchies from
the diner.”

STUU: Eh, no thanks.  I’ll
alert the highons though. 

[ He goes inside to find
Joh & Weis. ]

LARRIE: Kid doesn’t like me,
does he?
TIESUN: He’s just threatened,
I guess.  But he’ll get over it.
Mmm, I hope there’s a chicken
salad in there.

[ Larrie rummages through
the bag. ]

LARRIE: Oh look.  It’s hidden
under all the fried food.

[ She smiles & they kiss. ]

TIESUN: Where are the boys?
LARRIE: Probably in there
talking about me.  Man, I
was like a different person
when I first started here.
TIESUN: Really, in what way?

Later on, the following day.

[ Sascha is sitting in her living
room trying to distract herself
when she notices Pierre is
standing in the hallway. ]

SASCHA: Hey, how long have
you been there?

[ He comes over & sits next
to her. ]

PIERRE: Not long.  You alright
Here lay back.

[ Pierre sits straight with Sascha
laying across him. ]

SASCHA: Shouldn’t we be headed
to the airport?
PIERRE: No need because I’ve
got news.
SASCHA: What’s going on?

[ She sits up, waiting. ]

PIERRE: I found a job here
and I decided to stay.
SASCHA: Are you serious?
PIERRE: Of course.

[ She jumps into his arms, not
noticing Pierre’s expression. ]

TA, Night before.

[ Tiesun & Larrie are talking
when Stuu, Joh, & Weis
join them at the table. ]

STUU: We we’re having an
interesting convo inside. 
Thought I’d share.
LARRIE: Oh yeah?
JOH: Dude, don’t.

[ Joh & Weis leave for
the other bench. ]

STUU: Yeah about pills and
people who take too many
of them.
LARRIE: Thanks guys.

That was awhile ago.
TIESUN: What was?

LARRIE: My overdose.
I haven’t touched any
of that stuff in years
though. What’s your point?

[ Stuu stays silent. ]

LARRIE: Don’t get quiet now.

We could talk about
the fact that you’re too
scared to have sex.

[ Joh & Weis pay attention
as Stuu sits up from the
table.  Without thinking he
grabs the collar of Larrie’s
shirt & pulls him up. ]

STUU: I’m not scared of

Morning at Sascha’s.

[ Her & Pierre are having
breakfast. ]

SASCHA: So what’s your
schedule like today?
PIERRE: I have a meeting
with my boss in a couple
SASCHA: Cool.  I can’t believe
he wants you to manage
a new project here.
PIERRE: I know.  I’m really
SASCHA: Well, I’ll be home
around nine tonight and
we can celebrate.
PIERRE: Sounds nice.

[ He looks away as Sascha
continues to eat. ]

SASCHA: Something wrong?
PIERRE: Nope.  Gotta make a call
though.  I’ll be right back.

That same night, TA.

TIESUN: Stuu, let go of him.

LARRIE: What is your problem?
I wasn’t saying it in a mean
way.  I was just curious.
STUU: Yeah, well it’s none of
your business.
LARRIE: That’s fine.

[ He backs up & Stuu goes inside. ]

LARRIE: I thought I had problems.

[ Tiesun gives him a look. ]

TIESUN: Sorry.  He likes to keep
stuff like that private.  I don’t
know why he closes off. 
LARRIE: It’s cool.  I use to be
that way too.
TIESUN: I just wish you two
could get along.

[ The outside door opens &
Ski comes out. ]

SKI: Stuu looks pissed.  I’m
guessing you have something
to do with it.
LARRIE: Yup.  Don’t I always
say the wrong thing?
TIESUN: Not always.

At the Telazon’s house.

[ Airynn walks into his brother’s
room & sits by him on the bed. ]

BILLY: Hey, where’s Scarlet?

AIRYNN: She left. 
BILLY: Well let me know
when she’s back so we
can finish our game.
AIRYNN: Dude, she’s gone.
BILLY: What?

AIRYNN: She made up with
her mom and she’s moving
states away.
BILLY: Oh.  Sorry.
AIRYNN: Yeah me too.
How come your home
anyway and not at Mark’s?

BILLY: Because Chais spends
all his free time with Jenni
on video chat.
AIRYNN: She coming back?
BILLY: I don’t know since
school started now.

[ Airynn gets out of bed. ]

AIRYNN: Well get dressed.
Let’s go get something
to eat.

Outside the Salon.

[ Sascha arrives & sees
Hithe smoking outside. ]

SASCHA: Morning.

[ She smiles at Hithe. ]

HITHE: You’re in a better
mood than I expected.
SASCHA: Pierre found a job
HITHE: Really?  That’s awesome.
SASCHA: I know.  No more struggles
over the long distance thing.
HITHE: Must be a huge relief.  So
what is he going to do?
SASCHA: Not sure of the specifics.
But the contracting company wants
him to head some project in town.

HITHE: He’s been here all summer,
and they just now want
him to do this?
SASCHA: Yeah, what are you saying?
HITHE: It just seems a little weird
to me.  Maybe you should clarify.

SASCHA: Thanks, I will.


[ Larrie finds Stuu sitting in
the break room. ]

LARRIE: Hey, can we talk?

[ He sits down & Stuu stays
silent for awhile. ]

STUU: Before you say anything,
I’m sorry I came at you like
LARRIE: Thanks.  And I didn’t
mean to pry into your life.

[ Tiesun enters the room &
sits across from them. ]

TIESUN: Everyone cool?
LARRIE: As a cucumber.

[ He starts to laugh as
Stuu rolls his eyes. ]

LARRIE: I’m sure we’ll be
besties in no time.
STUU: Yeah we’ll see.
LARRIE: Well I better
get out of here.
You two have a good

[ He leans over & kisses
Tiesun before exiting. ]

At Sascha’s.

[ She’s on the phone with
Pierre. ]

SASCHA: I was talking to my
coworker earlier and he got
me thinking.

There is no job right now,
is there? 
PIERRE: Not exactly.
SASCHA: So you lied to me?

PIERRE: I just didn’t wanna
leave you so I quit.  But don’t
worry I have lots of new
leads here.

I’ll find something soon.
SASCHA: I hope so.

PIERRE: Everything will work
out babe.

Trust me.