November 20, 2015

Leaps Beyond

Between TA and the Salon.

[ Caution tape & barriers are stat-
ioned at each end while Landyn &
Monica sit at the outdoor table. ]

"Afternoon.  I'm seated here with
one of our long time employees
Monica Hasileda."

[ He pauses for effect & the camera
zooms in on his smiling co-star. ]

MONICA: Nice day, isn't it?

[ She states presenting the drink
that is currently chilling her hands. ]

LANDYN: Yes.  Brisk falls are common
here in Magic Springs.  Monica is 
indulging in one of TA's new 
chilled breakfast drinks.
MONICA: This is the strawberry fusion
tango.  Awakening and refreshing.

[ Landyn gazes straight into the camera. ]

LANDYN: Find these at an Aisle's deli.

See you back soon. 

[ Later inside, Monica is joined by Hahn
& Kristyn in the break room. ]

KRISTYN: So how'd did it go?
HAHN: Yeah, I'm interested too. Con-
sidering I wasn't even asked.

[ They smirk it off but he is deadly 
serious. ]

MONICA: I was nervous but Landyn
made things so easy.  He even joked
about the writing between takes. 

Well I have to get going but I can't
wait for you all to see it.

[ She walks out of the room.  Trying to
contain the strange energy that is
pulsating inside her.  ]

Across town at LeeVigh's.

[ Tessa, LeeVigh, Joh, & Weis
are sitting on the lone sofa in
an otherwise empty living
space. ]

"You know we moved in here
exactly two years ago."

TESSA: I was starting to think
I would never see the day.  You
three have been stuck like glue
ever since.  And after the tour.

[ She stands up, noticing how close
the three are seated.  LeeVigh is
playfully slamming into Joh from
the side trying to knock him over. ]

LEEVIGH: You missed it babe.  Zain
killed it last night.
WEIS: Yeah he won his first challenge.
I knew he had it when I seen it
involved swimming.
JOH: He's like a skinny whale or 
something that dude.

[ Everyone looks at him. ]

LEEVIGH: I have to get something
out of the car.

[ He disappears in a rush. ]

JOH: Okay?

Late afternoon, at Monica's.

[ She arrives home after a long
day & guests are gathered
celebrating Mairya's birthday.

Trailyn hears the door open
& greets her mother in the
kitchen. ]

"Hey mom."

MONICA: Hey.  Was she surprised?

TRAILYN: Oh yeah, it worked.
MONICA: I told you.  See I'm smart-
er than you may want to believe

[ Her daughter rolls her eyes. ]

MONICA: Who all made it?

TRAILYN: Jai, Chais, Billy, 
some girl he likes, Jai's
friend Tom, & Little H.
MONICA: You decided not to
invite Caleb?
TRAILYN: Mairya was giving me
clues that she didn't want to
see him.  I had no other 

[ Her phone starts to play a
familiar alternative tune. ]

"He's calling me."

MONICA: Remember he is
still your friend and that
means you should take
time for him.  Just keep
that in mind.  

[ She watches her daughter
leave the room. ]

Outside, LeeVigh's front porch.

[ He's sitting down with his feet
up, a stray cat nestled in his
arms when Weis comes out
after him. ]

"You know that car has fleas

[ LeeVigh jumps a little and the
feline flutters off. ]

LEEVIGH: Sorry kitty.
WEIS: Don't even tell me you
were out here crying.
LEEVIGH: No you little fucker.
But you're moving in with your
boyfriend (and Joh temporarily).

It's a little different for me.

WEIS: How so?  You and Tessa
are in a good place.
LEEVIGH: Once it's just me and
her then the expectations will
start coming.  
WEIS: I know what you mean
but you don't have to live
any certain way.  It's what-
ever works, look at me &

LEEVIGH: I just have to explain
to her I don't wanna rush into
WEIS: Right and she'll understand.


[ Trailyn & Little H are sitting on
her bed staring down at a cell
on speaker phone. ]

"Are you two sitting all alone
to talk to me?"

TRAILYN: No, it's just quiet here.

Most people have already left.

[ Little H stifles a laugh at
her quickness. ]

CALEB: What is Mairya's issue
with me?  She acts like we're
friends when we're in class
then she bans me from her
TRAILYN: You know how she
feels about your relationship
with H.  It's only a matter of
time blah, blah, blah.
CALEB: Just because me and
her didn't last that's pretty

LITTLE H: Who cares.  Just worry
about the friends you do have.  

[ After they hang up.  Caleb is
shown laying still across his bed.
Sitting up he removes a picture
frame from his wall.  He writes
quickly a six letter word & re
-places the cover up. ]


[ LeeVigh is driving with Tessa
in the passenger seat. ]

"You seem excited.  It's not like
I've never stayed at your place

TESSA: I know but I feel like
you've grown up.  We both have.

We're like a married couple

[ She is so contained in herself
that she doesn't noticed the
worried look growing on Lee-
Vigh's face.

He chooses to keep silent,
relaxing into the radio &
passing scenery instead. ]

LEEVIGH: Yeah no rush.

[ He let's out, testing the
waters. ]

TESSA: Of course not.