April 23, 2017

Wising Up

Scene One: 
Sunday morning, Simon house.

[ Mark is flipping through 
channels when Jai walks 
in rubbing his eyes. ]

MARK: Heard you were having
a rough night. Get in a fight
with your friend?
JAI: No. Well kind of.  What
made you think so?
MARK: Because normally you
don't sneak in until about 9
in the morning.

What's going on with your
arm there?

[ Jai looks a little shaken
as Mark moves his gaze 
toward the tiny bumps he
hadn't noticed. ]

JAI: It's nothing. I must
have rubbed up against 
something sitting outside.

[ Saved by his phone ringing,
Jai walks into the bathroom.
Checking himself in the mirror. ]

A'MYAN: Hey.

JAI: Didn't think you were
going to call me.
A'MYAN: Yeah.  I'n sorry bro.
Last night got out of control
but it's cool.

You know what you did but
we can just forget about it.

[ Thinking. ] JAI: What I did?

JAI: You should know I didn't
mean any disrespect.

[ Trying to appease. ]

A'MYAN: It's fine. I have to go
though.  My side is killing me.
Talk later.

[ He hangs up the line. ]

Scene Two: TASalon.

[ Tila is saying goodbye to one 
of her regulars when Lorenzo 
comes over to her station. ]

"Anymore progress?"

[ Tila shakes her head. ]

LORENZO: Maybe I could
give you some ideas.

[ He twist a lock of his hair so
it's sticking up to the side &
makes a sexy face in her mirror.]

TILA: I don't think so Renzo.

LORENZO: We should be able
to do whatever styles we can.
It would draw different busi-
ness here. I don't understand.
TILA: I know but it's Salon rules.
Everything has to be reviewed
by the head.

[ They stop talking as Sascha
ironically walks past them
to the back.

Dean comes by to clean the
floor & Tila smiles at him. ]


DEAN: No problem.

TILA: I've already heard of
others talking about it.  I
have to think fast.
LORENZO: Who else?

[ Tila doesn't speak but nods
in the direction of the two
newest stylist. ]

Scene Three: TA Grocery.

[ A female customer is pushing
her cart & gaining frustration
as her twin teenaged sons lag

She hears them burst into 
laughter & has had enough. ]

"One of you push this cart."

[ She walks off to the fruits &
vegetables while they take
their time. ]

ZYLER: Play it again.

[ His brother starts a video
on his phone.

A young girl is seen laying
down in bed under the covers
while a guy is filming her. ]

ZYLER: Was that a shirt?

[ They hear their mother yell
for them to come on & put it
away. ]

TALAN: You know who that is.
Don't you?
ZYLER: No but I want to.
TALAN: A junior.  Her name is
ZYLER: I know she does more
than kiss.  You can just
TALAN: Maybe.  Her mom is right
over there.  Why don't you ask

[ Their own mother returns taking back
the cart & Zyler starts to speed
toward the floral counter. ]

TALAN: Wait! 

[ Zyler ignores him, picking up
his pace. ]

Scene Four: At the Salon.

[ In a back room, Tila is busy looking
over the volunteers to make sure
their styles are at her best. 

Tila walks up so they all can see. ]

TILA: I really appreciate this.

She should be in any minute.

[ Before long Sascha join them. Tila
smiles, but her manager stays silent.
Cold with her unchanged expression. 

She begins to walk, eyeing the 'models'
one-by-one.  Stopping at the third, she
tugs on a strand of loose hair. ]

SASCHA: There was some things I
really like about style 1 and 2.
However, I am not sure if 3 is
something our clients would
relate to.
Can you explain yourself?

[ Tila freezes for a moment, not
expecting the quick feedback.

Later after Sascha has left.  Tila
notices a folder of files sitting off
to the side.  She opens it &
starts looking though. ]

TILA: Suggestions, To Do List,

I thought so.

Tila spots the two documents that
confirm her competition.  Without
hesitation she grabs them, crumbles
them in her pocket & heads out. ]

Scene Five: Late afternoon, TA.

"Thanks for the information."

[ Kristyn waves at the twins as they 
run off to the parking lot.  She turns
in the floral desk & begins texting
her daughter. ]

KRISTYN: I knew it wasn't a good
idea to let your boyfriend stay in
my house.
What we're you thinking making
such an obscene video? I'll talk
to you when I get home but he
has to leave tonight.

[ At Kristyn's.  Mairya sits her phone
down. ]

MAIRYA: Why would you show that
video off?

MICAA: I didn't.  I swear.
MAIRYA: Well my mom has seen it.
And she's tripping the fuck out
like usual acting like I'm Kim K
or something.

She said you had to go.  

[ Little H comes in from the living
room. ]

LITTLE H: Hey.  I'll look around
for you. Too bad my Dad's not
home right now he'd talk to her
MICAA: Thanks.
MAIRYA: Imagine if we had
really given her something to
whine about.  
MICAA: What did you have
in mind?

[ He looks up sneakily. ]

MAIRYA: I'm leaving too.

Scene Six: Outside Mark's.

[ Weis parks his car across from the
street & approaches the Simon

Later, he & Mark are in the base-
ment alone. ]

MARK: Feel free to light up down
here.  Chais does.

WEIS: Sweet. I've been watching
Mila all day.  Stuu just got home
like an hour go.
But I wanna know, since when
did you get so relaxed?

MARK: Well he is paying to live
here and pretty much an adult
so I don't say anything.  You
know I've never had a problem
with "green".
WEIS: That reminds me.  I need
an oil change.
MARK: He's been doing so well
around town Chais may even do
it for free.
WEIS: And how is Jai doing?

MARK: I don't know. He's becoming
secretive lately.
WEIS: Yeah.  Notice anything else?

[ Mark thinks for a second. ]

MARK: He did have these tiny bumps
all over his arm today and acted
weird when I asked about them.
WEIS: I don't wanna jump to conclusions
but there is a drug where its common
for those to show up.  Have you ever
seen him smoking or even noticed
or heard a lighter?

[ Before he can finish, Mark is sprint-
ing toward Jai's room to investigate. ]

( Episode 716* )