February 12, 2016

A Sandy Reception

Back break-room, TA.

[ Sandie & Syria are each sipping
their well sugared coffee drinks. ]

"He just packed up and left 
then.  Last night."

[ Staying straight faced, Sandie
firmly answers. ]

SANDIE: Pretty much.  It wasn't
working out so we're over.

No need for any further
examination on the matter.

[ She half smiles for reassurance. ]

SYRIA: I see.  And Charles
feels the same way?
SANDIE: Yesss. Is it so shocking
that two adults could come to
this mutual decision?

SYRIA: Not at all but after every-
thing you went through to get
back together.  It seems a tad
bit sudden.

[ Syria gets up to leave. ]

SYRIA: I'm sure you know 
what you're doing.

[ Later Sandie takes advantage
of her alone time to text a
new friend. ]

"Still on for tonight?"

Meanwhile, front break-room.

[ Stuu & Brian are discussing his
first few weeks of fatherhood. ]

STUU: She's not crying for hours
much anymore.  So that's good.
BRIAN: You don't look very pleased
with that.  Is there something
else going on?

With Weis maybe?

STUU: Not really.  He's actually
been great.  Just my head has
been all over the place lately.

Do you think we're doing the
right thing for Mila?

BRIAN: Of course.  I mean,
you're bringing her up in
a happy environment around
two committed people.  What
else do you need?

[ Stuu stands up, walking toward
the wall. ]

STUU: I don't know.  A mom
maybe.  My family all thinks
she should be with adoptive
parents. A male and female.
BRIAN: Don't let them bother
you.  She's your daughter and
you chose to raise her this way.

It's no one else's business.

STUU: And we're happy.  So
screw them!

Later that evening.

[ Sandie is pouring her date a
glass of wine as they sit out on
her balcony. ]

"When you called, I think it
would be an understatement
to say I didn't expect it."

SANDIE: We've always gotten
along.  You shouldn't be so

TRIKL: True.  Family gatherings.
My engagement that lasted
for three whole weeks. So I
wouldn't be a complete jackass
to say I can recall some long-
ing glances.

[ Trikl laughs. Sandie stays silent. ]

TRIKL: It's all good.  Things happen
for a reason.

[ Suddenly Sandie is shaken by the
ring on Trikl's cell. ]

SANDIE: Someone has bad timing.
TRIKL: Uh yeah. It's my brother.

[ Trikl looks down at his phone. ]

"Incoming Call.  Charles."

At Stuu & Weis'.

[ Stuu returns from a jog around
the block.

He joins Weis, who is sitting
down in the living room. ]

WEIS: She's still sleeping.  Nice 

[ Stuu nods, leans over & kisses
him on the cheek. ]

WEIS: Good.  I'll be downstairs.

Then we can watch a movie or

[ Stuu gives Weis a look. ]

WEIS: What?
STUU: I still think it's best
if you don't do that here.
WEIS: She's in the room up
here on the other side of the
house from me.  It never 
bothered you before.

STUU: I know.  Just never mind.

WEIS: Nah, it's cool.  I'll just go
to Zain's.  See ya.

[ Before Stuu can move the door
slams behind Weis.  He sighs, 
immediately hearing Mila start
to cry. ]


[ Things are getting cozy back
on the balcony. ]

SANDIE: I'm glad you took my
advice and ignored that call.

TRIKL: It can wait.  I have more
important things to attend to.

[ He looks over, undressing her
with his sleazy eyes. ]

SANDIE: Anyway.  I asked you
here for a reason.  Did you bring
TRIKL: Yes and you're lucky.  I
was just about to give this up.

[ He opens a box.  Not being shy
he takes a small amount of the
white powder and places it on
his hand.

Without any warning, Sandie
leans down.  Sniffing up the
contents. ]

TRIKL: You're a fast learner.

[ Sandie sits up. ]

SANDIE: I've been around.


[ Stuu is holding baby Mila
while rummaging through
the messy house. ]

"Where on earth are all
the bottles?"

[ He starts to get panicked
as Mila continues to holler
in his ear.

Picking up the phone, he
speed dials Weis. ]

"You've reached Weis.  Leave
a message."

[ Stuu angerily tosses the 
phone as the crying gets
worse. ]

STUU: Crap.  I'm so sorry.

[ Finally locating the bottle he
sits down on the couch.  He
starts to feed her & Mila's
relaxed state calms him. ]