December 11, 2013

Against 2 Odds ( Last7 )

Next Day, at TA.

[ Amber arrives.  Walking into
the break room, she finds Hahn
with his arm around Syria.

Hahn gives Amber the thumbs
up before they separate.  Syria
gathers her stuff, giving Amber
a stern look as she passes. ]

HAHN: Hey Amber.

[ He smiles, ignoring her expression. ]

AMBER: I guess you two talked.  Can
I asked just what the hell you think
you’re doing?
HAHN: Easy.  I didn’t say anything
about you.  She was upset so I was
being supportive.
That’s all.

[ Amber shakes her head. ]

AMBER: That’s not the point.  Your
taking advantage and derailing the
plan.  Did you forget we’re trying
to get them back together?

HAHN: But Dyminic is a creep and
incredibly sneaky.  She’s probably
better off.
AMBER: That he is.  They’ve been
married for almost 20 years since
high school though.  I wouldn’t
want to get in the way of that
and you shouldn’t either.
HAHN: Fine.  I guess, you’re right.
AMBER: I am.  Now stop being so
nice or this will never work.

In the Hospital parking lot.

[ Larrie is waiting in his car
when Ace appears in the
parking lot. ]

LARRIE: Hey, how’d things go?
ACE: A lot better than I thought.
The waiting after is the worst

[ He gets inside, shutting the door. ]

LARRIE: Hopefully the radiation
can shrink it down and give
you a little more comfort.
ACE: Right.  So, what are you
up to tonight?
LARRIE: Ah, you know.  I work
later and

[ He speeds through coughing. ]

LARRIE: Before going to see Cora.
ACE: You’re serious.  What else
does she have to do for you to
realize she’s crazy?
LARRIE: Alright.  The first time was
partly my fault.  I did tell her to go
wild and surprise me.
ACE: Spare me the details.
LARRIE: Anyway the whole
thing was a mere coincidence.
I was wasted and shouldn’t
of gotten in the car. Cora
wouldn’t do this.

Back at TA.

[ Amber leaves the break
room & spots Syria getting
ready to leave. ]

“Hey, can we talk?”

[ Syria slowly turns around. ]

SYRIA: Dyminic’s leaving tonight.

I know you want to get on your
cell and talk more behind my
back.  As if you do any work
around here anyway.   

AMBER: Excuse me.  I do not want
your husband.  Actually he is the

[ Amber stops herself as Hahn comes
up behind her. ]

AMBER: I’m sorry things are not working
for you and maybe you feel like you got
the short stick.  Remind me how that is
because of me?
SYRIA: It’s hard to maintain something that
was stable with flouncy, desperate, little
girls walking all around in here.

[ Amber starts to get closer & Hahn
grabs her arm. Before she can move,
a voice behind Syria stops them all. ]

“Hey Sear, can we talk?”

Later on, that night.

[ Larrie is waiting in his car
outside Cora’s house. Getting
himself together, he gets out
& approaches her front door.

As Cora notices Larrie from her
balcony, she quickly disappears
inside. ]

[ Minutes later, she meets Larrie
on the front porch. ]

LARRIE: It took you awhile to get
down here.  What’s up?
CORA: Nothing.  I was worried when
you didn’t come back last night.
I’m glad you're okay.

[ Suddenly the upstairs light from
Cora’s window shuts off.   Larrie
notices & his mood changes fast. ]

LARRIE: You set me up, didn’t you?
CORA: Of course not.  I wish I was
there.  Why didn’t you answer
any of my calls after?
LARRIE: I was too busy calling my
manager to help me peel myself
off the open road maybe.

[ Before Larrie can continue, a
stranger appears.   He walks up
to Cora, kisses her & starts to
leave but Larrie turns him
around, catching him off
guard as he prepares to
swing at his face. ]

Meanwhile at Monica’s.

[ Monica is sitting in the
living room watching TV
when her son comes in
from the hall. ]

KIILYN: Kyle’s walking up
the driveway, Mom.

MONICA: Boy, quit playing!

KIILYN: I’m serious.
MONICA: Alright.  Go on.

[ Monica opens the door in
surprise & motions for him
to step in. ]

KYLE: Man, it’s really coming
down out there.

MONICA: I haven’t heard from
you in weeks and you just
show up.  I thought you had
made your decision.
KYLE: I thought so too.

[ Monica looks away. ]

KYLE: But the truth is, I
really hadn’t.  And that’s why
I quit working at Mysting Spot.

You are the most important
part of my life.

Monica Toni Winters,
will you marry me?

Inside TheAisles.

[ Amber & Hahn are waiting
as Dyminic talks to Syria
in the break room. 

The door opens & Syria
comes out.  Hahn follows
her out the door. ]

[ Inside the break room. ]

AMBER: Is this what you really
DYMNIC: No.  Syria dumped me.

[ Amber looks shocked. ]

DYMNIC: She thinks we’ve grown
too far apart from each other.
AMBER: Tell me you’re not getting
DYMNIC: No, no.  I’m just going
out of town for awhile.
Maybe things will change when
I get back. 
AMBER: I hope so.  Believe it or
not, my intent today was to
get you and Syria back together.
Not start an argument. 
DYMINIC: I believe it.  You have
a good heart Amber. 
Well, I better get going.

[ Amber watches, sighing as
he leaves TA. ]


[ Cora gets between Larrie
& the stranger just in time. ]

CORA: Larrie, stop!

LARRIE: Who is this jerk?
CORA: He’s a friend from work.

When I didn’t hear from you.
I assumed the worst.

LARRIE: Oh, I get it.  That gives
you free reign inside another
man’s pants.
CORA: It’s not like that.

LARRIE: When my cousin
thought you set me up, I
stuck up for you.  But I’m
beginning to see that was
a huge mistake.

[ He brushes past her. ]

CORA: Hun, wait.  Just let
me explain.

[ Larrie turns around slowly &
stares coldly in her direction. ]

LARRIE: Take care, Cora!

[ Not looking back, he walks
straight to his car & drives
off. ]

December 4, 2013

Against 2 Odds ( First7 )

Afternoon at TA.

[ Amber is outside the door
of the front break room. 
Looking around first, she
heads quickly inside. ]

“There’s only 15 minutes
left on my lunch.  Can we
speed up this talk a little?”

AMBER: Sorry I had to make
sure no one was around.

[ She joins Hithe & Ski at
a table. ]

HITHE: So, what’s going on?
SKI: Right.  What’s this big

AMBER: Remember how I
told you all I did was sleep
next to a guy on my vacation.
SKI: Yes, clearly.
AMBER: Well, that’s not entirely
true. After a long night we
ended up hooking up. 

[ Amber hesitates for a moment. ]

AMBER: And the worst part of it
all is I found out he is married.
To our morning cashier.
SKI: Wow, I hope you stopped
talking to him. 

[ Suddenly Amber’s phone rings
& she looks away. ]

Larrie’s girlfriend’s house.

[ Cora is wearing a royal blue dress
& standing in front of the mirror
while Larrie stares from the foot
of the bed. ]

CORA: You better finish getting
dressed if we’re going to get
to the party on time. 
LARRIE: Yeah, I know.  I was just a
little caught up in the length of
that dress.

[ Cora turns around, tossing the
pants at him. ]

CORA: Well, snap out of it.  I need
to make a good impression tonight
so I’m in line for that promotion.
LARRIE: Right. I promise to be on
my best behavior.

Until later tonight, at least.

[ Larrie laughs & Cora shakes
her head.  He stands up facing
her and they kiss. ]

CORA: The car will be here in
ten.  Meet me out front?

[ Cora leaves & Larrie finishes
getting dressed.  Taking a moment,
he checks himself in the mirror &
smiles, walking off. ]

Inside Stuu’s apartment.

[ Joh is sitting on a chair
with Stuu laying on the
couch across from him. ]

“This place is sweet.”

STUU:  Thanks.  It should be.
I’ve been saving since I
started at TA.

I heard about your break
up and I’m sorry. And the
other thing sucks too.

JOH: You mean the registry?
I have to go sign up next
week.  I’m been trying to
keep it off my mind. 
STUU: Yeah, I understand.
So I finally asked out Tiesun.
JOH: You’re kidding.  What did
she say?
STUU: That she has a boyfriend.

JOH: Tough break.
STUU: Oh well.  Maybe in the new
JOH: Good attitude.  Maybe we
should start hanging out more.
I might learn something.

[ They both laugh. ]

STUU: You’re not lying
about that one.

Back at TA.

[ Amber is alone now &
talking on her phone. ]

AMBER: Tell me you are
not outside waiting for
your wife to finish her

DYMINIC: Smart girl. 
AMBER: This is too much.
DYMINIC: Don’t worry she has
a long line.  I peaked inside. 
Anyway, when are we going
for one of our long, walks
again.  I missed that from
the summer. 
AMBER: That was before I
knew you were married
to my co-worker. 
DYMINIC: Yet you still answer
every call.

[ He sneakily laughs. ]

[ Minutes later Amber hangs
up.  As she turns around she
notices Hahn sitting at end of
the same table with his jacket
hood on. 

AMBER: Hey, how long have you
been there?

[ He pulls down the hood
revealing his head phones. ]

HAHN: What was that?
AMBER: Nothing. Gotta start.

[ She leaves, not noticing Hahn
shaking his head behind her. ]

Cora’s office holiday party.

CORA: Evening Gerad.
You did a wonderful job
arranging this party.
GERAD: And you’re a dear.
But I didn’t do a damn thing
and you know it.

[ They both laugh while Larrie
stands by, drink in hand. ]

GERAD: And who is your date
tonight?  I thought I knew
all of your friends.
CORA: This is Larrie, he’s not
just my date.
GERAD: I see.  Nice to meet

[ He shakes Larrie’s hand. ]

GERAD: What do you do?
LARRIE: I work at TA grocery
store.  Nights.

CORA: Oh yes.  He’s a manager.

LARRIE: Yes.  Wow.

[ Larrie downs the rest of
his drink, glares at Cora &
then excuses his self from
the conversation. ]

Outside of TA.

[ Ambers meets Hahn inside
his car. ]

AMBER: An urgent text, really?
Aren’t you suppose to be gone
HAHN: Yeah, but we need to
talk.  I uhh, kissed Syria.
AMBER: What, when?
HAHN: In the summer and
we haven’t talked much
It’s been bothering me.
I had to tell someone.

[ She stays silent. ]

I know about you and
Dyminic.  I heard you.
AMBER: What you don’t know
is that we ended up hooking up.

Dyminic doesn’t know either.
I didn’t realize how drunk he
was.  Until morning when
he acted completely different.

HAHN: So he thinks nothing
happened between you two?
What are you gonna do?

[ Amber’s phone starts vibrating. ]

[ TEXT ] DYMINIC: Don’t worry about
Syria anymore.  We’re through.

Back at the Party.

LARRIE: I don’t understand why
you had to lie back there.
CORA: Because it sounded better.
LARRIE: Is that all you care about
Is showing off for that dumb guy?
CORA: This is someone I’m trying
to partner with.  And better my
If you can’t cooperate, then leave.

[ Larrie starts to storm off but Cora
calls to him. ]

CORA: Listen, I’m sorry, I’m just
under a lot of pressure. 
 Let me at least call you a cab.
LARRIE: Fine, I’ll wait downstairs. 

[ Later on Larrie is getting into
the cab when he sees a man
sitting on the other side. ]

LARRIE: Didn’t know this would
be a joint venture?

[ Larrie enters tossing out his wine
glass. ]

[ Moments later the cab is speeding down
the road when suddenly the door
is swung wide open.  A scream is
heard from outside as Larrie tumbles 
out into the street. ]

 NEW PREVIEW 12/11 ! 

November 27, 2013

Final Hour

Outside the Telazon’s.

[ Airynn & his younger brother
are sitting on the porch when
Markis drives into the driveway. ]

MARKIS: I knew you’d be home.
Hey Billy, what’s good?
BILLY: Nothing if I’m hanging
with him.

[ He points to Airynn while
getting up & walking inside. ]

AIRYNN: Anyway, are we still
hitting up that strip club
MARKIS: Right, about that.
I can’t go, man.  Something
came up. 

[ He stops talking & looks away. ]

MARKIS: But we can chill now.

So, what’s going on at TA?
Everyone cool?
AIRYNN: Not hardly.  Jeszyca
was fired for getting violent
with a customer.
Joh’s no longer a Witness and
he decided to take the rebellious
route.  That’s just the start. 

MARKIS: Wow.  So much drama.
Just like that crazy place too.
AIRYNN:  I know.  Remember what
happened on your first shift?

Meanwhile, at the Hospital.

[ Larrie is exiting his cousin’s
room when Mark arrives. ]

“Hey, how’s Ace?”

LARRIE: He’s knocked out
right now.  They have him
on some medicine for the
MARK: Alright, that’s good.
I’m gonna sit with him in
the room until he wakes
up, if that’s cool.
LARRIE: Sure.  Then I can go
get some real food.
If they say anything, just
act like you’re his brother.

[ Larrie leaves & Mark goes
inside.  He moves a chair next
to the bed and sits quietly.

A few minutes later. ]

“Mark, you came.”

MARK: Of course.  How is
your arm doing?
ACE: Better, I guess.  The
meds are working somewhat
but they put me to sleep. 
MARK: Damn, that too bad
but at least you know what
the next step is.  I mean,
at least there is one.
ACE:  Yeah.  Not for me.

After Airynn’s question. . .

[ From Episode 209 ‘Love Me Dead’ ]

[ Inside TA. . .Airynn, Markis, Joh, Weis
& Larrie are all waiting for their shift to start ]
. . . . .
AIRYNN: So Joh, how was knocking on those
doors last Saturday?

Get any slammed in your face?
MARKIS: Wait, what?
AIRYNN: Yeah, I caught him trying to preach
to my girl…He’s one of those witness people
MARKIS: Damn, for real?
They’re fucking annoying!
. . . . .
[ breaks the silence ] WEIS: Anyways, Airynn…
Why do you give a shit?
AIRYNN: Oh, so your his spokesperson
[ stands up ] JOH: No actually, I don’t need
anyone to speak for me. . . [ gets in his face ]

How are you gonna go behind my back
when you know I liked Marisa?
[ backs up ] AIRYNN: What does it matter?
It’s not like you could’ve dated her
JOH: That’s not the point, Airynn!
You are supposed to be my friend
. . . . .
JOH: Just forget it dude!
I’m going to start. . . [ walks away ]
MARKIS: Man, if this is how it’s gonna
be. . .
I’m glad I started working here

Back at the Hospital.

“What do you mean by
that?  I hope you’re joking.”

ACE: I mean.  What’s the point?
I’ll probably be dealing with
this illness for the rest of my
life anyway.

Why put myself through more
bull just for the same result?

[ Ace gets up & walks toward
the window. ]

MARK: You don’t know that
man.  Any chance is better
than no chance at all. 
I know you’ve been going
through this for awhile
but now is not the time
to give up. 
ACE: You’re right.  I’ve dealt
with so much this year.  Barely
working.  Having to ask Karie
for help with things I could
more than afford before.
Drives me crazy inside. 
MARK: Yeah, I hear ya.

ACE: And now all I can think in
my head.  Over and over again.

[ Ace looks up at Mark. ]

What is my last chance doesn’t

Meanwhile, at the Telazon’s.

[ Markis & Airynn are laughing ]

MARKIS: Yeah, that was good.  Let’s
not forget why you got me fired.
AIRYNN: I knew that was coming.

[ From Episode '303 You're A Jerk' ]

[ Back up front, customers are going
through self check while Markis walks
by the window. . . ]

[ on the phone ] ‘Hey man, it’s almost
light out. . .Are you coming?’

MARKIS: Alright hurry, bye

. . . . .
[ The customer walks away just
as Trae and D’Ondrae arrive ]

D’ONDRAE: Is it safe?
MARKIS: Yeah, it’s cool
D’ONDRAE: Alright man, here
[ hands him cash ]

[ Markis pockets the cash and
then hands him a bag from
his jacket ]

MARKIS: Yeah, I’ve done a lot
of growing up since then.
AIRYNN: At least you stopped.

[ Markis stands up. ]

MARKIS: Listen, I didn’t just come
here to recall old times.
There’s something serious I
have to tell you.

AIRYNN: What’s going on?
MARKIS: I’m moving to LA,
man.  Tonight.


[ Mark has his arm on Ace’s
shoulder as he is about to
leave.  ]

MARK: Take care of yourself.

Hey Karie.

[ Mark walks out & Karie sits down
by Ace. ]

KARIE: I know you don’t want
to do this but I was doing some
research and it’s actually a painless
process.  I’ll sit with you through
everyday of it.

[ Ace smiles, sitting up. ]

ACE:  You don’t have to do that.
I’m sorry about the way I’ve
been acting too. 
KARIE: It’s okay.  I know this
could not have came at a
worse time with the Salon in
it’s first year and everything.
ACE: Hey, it’s life.  My life.

And I’m going to start living
it no matter what happens.

No more excuses.  

 NEW PREVIEW: 12/4 !