April 9, 2014

Walk Alone

 Early morning, random
parking lot.

[ As a light rain starts to
come down, Trey wakes
up in a sudden panic.

Looking around, he pulls
his hood up while getting
to his feet. ]

“How did I get out here?”

[ Starting to shiver, he
gains his composure &
finds his way back home.

Walking inside, he sees his
brother napping on the
couch. ]

TREY: What happened to
me last night?
DEONDRE: Wait, what?
TREY: I went to sleep and
next thing I know I’m
waking up in a parking lot.
Did I come in here last
night at all?

DEONDRE: Nope. You we’re
gone when I got in and the
door was unlocked.

[ Trey stands frozen, not
knowing what to think. ]

 A little later, at TA.

[ Kristyn walks over to
Hahn & Syria near
the front door. ]

HAHN: Remember the part
where the guy was trying
to fix the tire.

[ He starts to laugh. ]

SYRIA: Yes, that was great.
KRISRYN: So what are we
talking about.
HAHN: This movie we saw
last weekend. Hard Grace.

[ She looks at them both. ]

HAHN: Yeah, it’s a comedy. 
You have to check it out.
KRISTYN: Will do. Well, I
have to get back over to
the counter.  Later guys.
SYRIA: Yeah, I should go clock

[ Kristyn leaves & Hahn pulls
Syria over to the side. ]

HAHN: Guess what?
I got those tickets for
that dinner show
tomorrow night.

Back at Trey’s apartment.

[ He is sitting alone in the
living room, watching TV
when his cell rings. ]

TREY: Hey girl, what’s up?
TIESUN: You tell me.
I’m guessing your post
about winding up in
the lot a mile away
wasn’t cryptic rap lyrics.
TREY: Not at all.  I must of
blacked out or something.
TIESUN: It’s called sleepwalking.
And do you know how
dangerous that is?
What if you had little Tera?
TREY: I know, I know.
I need to go see someone. 
I’m so freak out I don’t
even wanna fall asleep

TIESUN: I would do it sooner,
rather than later.
TREY: Yeah, I’ll have her this
TIESUN: Well, let me know
what they say.  And if you
hear from Markis, tell him
I said hi.
TREY: Thanks Tie. Later.

Between TA & TA Salon.

[ Hahn is sitting on the bench.
He starts to whistle as he’s
unwrapping his food & putting
it down in front of him.

As a breeze starts to build,
Hahn jumps as he feels a
finger tap onto him. ]

HAHN: Uhh.  Hey, it’s been

[ He fakes smiles as Dyminic
sits across from him. ]

DYMINIC: Yes, it has.  I’m
returning home in a couple
of weeks and wanted to talk
to Sear.  She hasn’t returned
my calls in a month.

[ Hahn pretend coughs. ]

HAHN: Maybe there’s a
DYMINIC: Excuse me?
HAHN: Nothing. Just saying.
DYMINIC: Well anyway, is
she here?

[ Hahn takes a bite of his
sandwich still staring him
down. ]

HAHN: Nope.

Inside the Doctor’s office.

[ Trey is sitting down on
the table when there’s a
knock on the door. ]

“Hey, I’m Dr. Marx.”

TREY: Hey.
DR. MARX: So how long has this
been going on?
TREY: This is the first time.
DR MARX: Alright and do you
live alone.
TREY: I live with my brother and
sometimes my daughter.

DR MARX: I see, I see. Well,
first you need to always
make sure you lock your
doors.  And do anything else
that would prevent you from
leaving the house again.

Also if things persist, I can
put you on medication.
TREY: What type?
DR. MARX: Nothing to worry
about.  Just to help you get
more rest during the night.
TREY: Alright, I guess.

Back outside TA.

[ Hahn is finishing up
his lunch when Jenni
arrives & sits next to
him. ]

JENNI: Dude, what’s up?
You look like you’ve seen
a ghost.

[ She starts to laugh. ]

HAHN: Dyminic’s back.
JENNI: Oh, damn.
HAHN: Damn, is right
but Syria hasn’t been
talking to him for a reason.
JENNI: Yeah?
HAHN: Its because we’ve
been hanging out.  I think
she’s scared because we’re
getting closer.
JENNI: That makes sense.
But close as in what exactly?
HAHN: I don’t know but if
I’m ever going to find out.

[ Hahn stands up. ]

HAHN: I can’t tell her 
he’s back.