April 1, 2015

Before The Finale . . . . . .

The Aisles, overnight shift.

[ Stuu, Tiesun, & Larrie are chat-
ting in the back break room. ]

STUU: It's been four months
exactly since Airynn basically
vanished from Magic Springs.

[ Larrie sighs, heavily. ]

LARRIE: Not this again bro.
Airynn is not missing.  He's just
trying to get attention anyway
he can.  It's kind of sad really.  
TIESUN: At least when he was
showing up on the news we
had some idea.  And now?
LARRIE: You're concerned? After
experiencing his antics first 
hand I'd think you'd know 

[ He walks out of the room. ]

TIESUN: So what happened
when you told Weis about
the kiss?
STUU: It blew over.  Pretty
fast to my surprise.  
TIESUN: That's good.  You're
new as it is.  Don't wanna
throw fighting into the mix.
STUU: Yeah I know.  I want
to keep having fun with him.

TIESUN: And what about Joh?
STUU: He's just a friendly 
drunk.  We all know that.
TIESUN: Yeah but are you
sure that's it?  

Outside, near the school yard.

[ Mairya is walking toward an
abandoned building, looking
around she opens the door. ]

MAIRYA: See I told you it was
never locked.  

[ A young male follows her inside. ]

MAIRYA: You wanted to smoke
right?  I'll keep an eye out.

[ She stands by the door. ]

CALEB: You sure? I can't afford
to get kicked off the team.
MAIRYA: We're not gonna get

[ She comes closer, kissing Caleb for
 reassurance & he lights up.  Seconds 
later, he starts to cough. ]

MAIRYA: You okay?
CALEB: Yeah, it's just a side effect.
I thought you we're gonna join

[ They jump when there's a sudden,
powerful knock outside the door. 

Mairya opens it & Caleb stands
back. ]

MAIRYA: Hey.  What is it?

Night before, The Aisles.

[ Stuu is walking around, look-
ing for Joh. ]

STUU: I know the store is big
but you can't hide from me.

[ Joh takes his earphones out
& puts down the box he was
stocking. ]

JOH: Sorry.  I've just been 
doing a lot of thinking to
myself lately.
STUU: About what?

[ Stuu comes over standing
face to face with him. ]

JOH: Maybe I kissed you
for a reason.  I mean, I've
only had one girlfriend.
Barely have any "sexual"
experience at 22.
STUU: So? I have none.
That doesn't mean you're
gay man.   
JOH: Yeah I know.

STUU: It's just a label anyway.
Just do you Joh and don't
worry about it.  I wouldn't.
JOH: Thanks.

STUU: No problem. See you

Back outside the school.

[ Little H. comes inside & Mairya
shuts the door behind him. ]

LITTLE H: It's almost time for class
to start.  What are you doing out 
MAIRYA: Just hanging out.  You 
know Caleb, right?
LITTLE H: Yeah, hey.

[ Caleb gives a half smile while
continuing to smoke.  He hands
the joint to Mairya. ]

LITTLE H: You're smoking?
MAIRYA: It's just one hit, it's fine.
Makes class a lot less boring.
LITTLE H: I guess.
CALEB: You want some?
LITTLE H: No, I'm good.

MAIRYA: I'm gonna go find
Trailyn.  You two try not to
kill each other while I'm gone.

[ She sprays herself with perfume
& then exits.  Caleb walks up
to H, getting in his face. ]

LITTLE H: What's your problem?
CALEB: You.  Getting in my
way with Mairya.
LITTLE H: We we're friends first
and I'm not going anywhere.

So you better just get use to

Back inside TA.

[ Stuu & Zain are smashing boxes
and throwing them into the baler. ]

ZAIN: You're pretty quiet.  Has
the night been that bad?

STUU: No.  I just got a strange
text though from an unknown
ZAIN: Really?  Let me see.

[ Stuu hands him his phone. ]

ZAIN:  I'm on my way to TA.
Can you meet me outside?
STUU: That's all they sent.
ZAIN: Maybe it's your man
playing a prank on you.  Or
STUU:  I don't think so.  I have
both of their numbers.  
ZAIN: Everyone else is here.

[ They are interrupted by banging
on the back door.  Stuu looks at
Zain & then starts to walk over.

Opening the door, he stands back
a little in shock at who walks in. ]

AIRYNN: Dude, I need your help.

It's about Brian.


[ Mairya & Trailyn are walking
after class. ]

MAIRYA: I've been waiting for
a whole period.  So what do you
think about Caleb?

[ Trailyn shakes her head. ]

TRAILYN: I don't know.  He does
have this tough guy attitude
some times.
MAIRYA: You think?  He's always
been nice to me.
TRAILYN: So what happened to H
he never showed up?

MAIRYA: Not sure.  He didn't 
reply to my texts either.

[ Looking toward the abandoned
building, she sees a big guy
standing at the door.

Thinking, she runs over. ]

MAIRYA: What is going on?
Let me in!  H, are you okay?

[ She continues to yell as the
guy stands silent, blocking
her from the entrance. ]