April 8, 2015

Truth & Honor ( Part One )

Same night, The Aisles.

[ Airynn is talking to Stuu in a
corner with Zain close behind. ]

AIRYNN: You have no clue how
many hours of pointless and
time sucking rituals I've been
dragged through.

STUU: Then you should've came
back.  I bet your little brother
is panicked by now.
AIRYNN: Yeah well he's the only
one who cared.  No one around
here gave a shit.

[ He nods in Zain's direction. ]

STUU: That's not true. Me and
Tie talked about you daily.  Ski
did too.  You're the one who
turned off your phone.  Did
they make you do that to stay?
AIRYNN: No, I wanted to.  Minus their 
strict hold on the bible they we're
really nice people.  I never wanted
for anything.  Unlike at home.

STUU: Okay, then why are you 

AIRYNN: Come out to my car, I
need to show you something.

[ In the parking lot, Stuu joins
Airynn behind his vehicle.
Slowly he starts to open the
trunk & then pulls up a dark

Looking down, Stuu jumps back
as a young man is revealed
tied with his hands and feet.
Taped on his mouth. ]

Back at the school yard.

[ The young watcher moves, right as
the door of the building swings
open.  Caleb run outs.  Looking
down & figetting with his belt
buckle. ]

MAIRYA: What the hell is going on?
CALEB: We we're just coming to an
understanding in there.  It's cool now.

[ He signals his friend & they quickly
leave the area.  Little H comes
out now, staying in the doorway. ]

MAIRYA: Okay? You could've done
that here.

[ H walks over to her & Trailyn. ]

LITTLE H: Sorry I didn't respond.

[ He keeps his glance at the ground. ]

LITTLE H: He just wanted to make
sure I wouldn't get into the
way of you two dating.

[ They stare at him. ]

LITTLE H: Aren't we going
toward home?

[ H walks a little faster and the
two girls start to follow. ]

Outside The Aisles.

"Larrie was right.  You are out
of your mind."

[ Stuu starts to walk away but
Airynn catches up, guiding him
back toward the car. ]

STUU: Explain to me how this
isn't kidnapping.  
AIRYNN: Listen, I'm trying to save
him.  All of them.  
STUU: From what? Too much praising
of God.  
AIRYNN: No it's a lot more serious.
Look at this.

[ He shows Stuu an online article
off a cell phone. ]

STUU: Human sacreficing?  Never
heard of someone actually doing
that.  Very far fetched.
AIRYNN: Brian considers himself
a leader and the PC better than
any organized religion.  He's
always trying to up his spritual
game.  It makes sense.

Plus this is his phone.  
STUU:  Okay but how do you know
they actually would try to pull
something like this off?
AIRYNN: Here.  It's the last post
off Brian's reflection blog
before I took him.  

"I feel the light brighter today as
if someone we're telling me to
trust what I know inside.  PC
is truth and soon we (I) will
make our mark."

[ Airynn looks up as Stuu's expression
turns from cynical to scared. ]

At Hithe's Apartment.

[ Little H steps out of the bathroom
after a shower.  Seeing Hithe at
the kitchen table, he walks right
up & gives him a short hug. ]

HITHE: Hey buddy.  Something up?

LITTLE H: No.  That was okay, right?
HITHE: Of course it is.
LITTLE H: Alright.  It just we weren't
allowed to touch anyone at the
HITHE: I understand.  How was school?
LITTLE H:  Good.  I'm gonna take a
nap before dinner.  

[ He leaves the room.  Meanwhile,
inside TA Salon. ]

SASCHA: I'm guessing her & Renzo
worked out their diffences.

[ She points at Sunshine who is
staring out the window. ]

JESZYCA: Something like that.
SASCHA: Either way it's good for
you.  Right?
JESZYCA: Except.

[ She leans over and whispers. ]

JESZYCA: He got out today and I'm
worried about Sunshine.
SASCHA: After her friend's defense
and everything?
JESZYCA: Yup, it wasn't enough.

[ Sunshine comes over. ]

SUNSHINE: I know what you're
talking about.  Even though we
didn't get what we wanted I've
put that aside. It's cool really.

He's on his way now to talk.

Back outside The Aisles.

[ Tiesun is walking toward the
car while Bryan is sitting in
the back, still tied & Airynn
is feeding him grapes. ]

TIESUN: Stuu is freaking out
inside so I thought I come
out here and check on you.
Turns out things are weirder
than I ever thought.

AIRYNN: I can't let him go.  I
have a feeling something bad
is gonna happen as soon as
I do.
What is your opinion? You've
been around.
TIESUN: What, the streets?

[ She starts to laugh & Airynn
comes over facing her direction. ]

TIESUN: You are not the cops
or an institution so you should
probably untie him at least.
Just keep a close eye and 
make sure he's not doing
anything dangerous.  
AIRYNN: You're right.  I mean,
he isn't a hostage.

[ Airynn goes to untie Brian
but he is no where in sight. 
Tiesun walks over to the
open passenger door. ]

TIESUN: Should've checked your
car first amatuer.

[ She pulls out a blade that was
lying on the seat. ]

Hithe's, Little H's room. 

[ H is laying in his bed under
the covers when he recieves
a text. ]

BILLY: Sorry it took so long.
What's up?

LITTLE H: Remember when
you told me about what really
happened with you and that
videographer last summer?
BILLY: Yeah, well I couldn't
tell Chais.   He was already
starting to wonder about me.

LITTLE H: I know well something
bad happened at school today
with me and this boy Caleb.
BILLY: What was it?

LITTLE H: If I tell, you better
keep your mouth shut.  I don't
want Mairya or Dad or Ski
to know about this.
BILLY: It's cool, I wont tell them.
I more concerned about you man.

LITTLE H: Good.  I'll see you at
Ski's tommorow.  Tell you then.
Later and thanks.
BILLY: Alright later.



Outside the Salon.

[ Sunshine gets into a sportsy car
with tinted windows and shuts the
door. ]

"After trying to get me framed, I 
didn't expect to be meeting up
this way."

SUNSHINE: Yeah well, I'm a different
person now from the one you
trapped and brought here.

There's a reason why I didn't
join Madeline in court.  
GERARD: Oh yeah, what is that?
SUNSHINE: You can't play dumb
with me.  I know what you we're
planning when you got here.

Not sure what happened to
the others but they are around
here somewhere, I bet.
GERARD: Always knew you were
smart.  What an idiot I'd be, if
I left them to be found.
SUNSHINE: Right so here's the
deal.  When you start back again,
I want in.

GERARD: Why should I?
SUNSHINE: Otherwise I'll give the
cops this.

[ She pulls out her phone, stopping
the voice recording app. ]

SUNSHINE: If you touch me, I'll scream.

[ She quickly flees the car as it speeds
out of the parking lot. ]

T H E       E N D.

Outside the Salon.

[ Sunshine gets into a sportsy car
with tinted windows and shuts the
door. ]

"After trying to get me framed, I 
didn't expect to be meeting up
this way."

SUNSHINE: Yeah well, I'm a different
person now from the one you
trapped and brought here.

There's a reason why I didn't
join Madeline in court.  
GERARD: Oh yeah, what is that?
SUNSHINE: You can't play dumb
with me.  I know what you we're
planning when you got here.

And I'm putting a stop to this
right now.

[ Before he can flinch, Sunshine
grabs a heavy object out of her
purse and slams Gerard in the
back of the head.

Trading sides, she pushes him
over and he slumps into the
seat. ]

"We're going for a ride."