November 12, 2014

Try Me

Early morning, outside TA.

[ Landyn is walking toward
the entrance, not noticing
a couple of ladies who are
whispering and staring him

They block the door. ]

CUSTOMER1: It is him. See I
told you.
CUSTOMER2: Hey, I don’t mean
to be bothersome but would you
mind signing this for my son.

[ Landyn looks over his shoulder. ]

LANDYN: Me? Yeah, no problem.
CUSTOMER2: Thanks.  We just
can’t get enough of you on TV.

[ Meanwhile inside, Ski & Weis
are sitting at the Café. Relaxing
after a 12 hour shift. ]

WEIS: Ever since that Movember
commercial came out Landyn’s
popularity around town has
SKI: I know.  His spokesman page
has over 20,000 followers now.
WEIS: Damn with his history. I hope 
he’s taking it alright.  What 
do you think?
SKI: I think you worry about
your exes too much.

Landyn will be fine.

Across town.

[ Dyminic enters a local
store & makes his way to
the back office. ]

“Welcome to Maverick’s.
Come in, sit down.”

[ He extends his hand
to a mddle-aged female
manager. ]

MISHA: Thanks for coming.
We really could use your
help around here.
DYMINIC: I’m happy to take
a look at the place and
discuss your best legal
options.  Why exactly
we’re you sued again?

[ He looks up at Misha
who isn’t paying attention. ]

MISHA: Yes, before we
get to the details.  Why
don’t I show you around?

[ She quickly stands & exits
the room, leaving Dyminic
to wonder if he should
follow after her. ]

Back at TA.

[ Landyn storms into the
break room.  Pacing back
& forth, he doesn’t notice
the door come open. ]

SYRIA: Hey, you alright?

[ Landyn sits at the table
and she joins him. ]

LANDYN: Yes.  But people
are crazy.

[ Syria laughs but Landyn
stays serious. ]

LANDYN: I go to sign one
autograph and end up
being mobbed by a group
of girls.
SYRIA: Sounds like most
men’s dream.

[ Landyn sighs. ]

LANDYN: You know what
time it is?
SYRIA: Almost one.
LANDYN: Crap.  I have to
go meet Mark.
Hopefully I can sneak through
the Aisles to the back room.
SYRIA: Good luck.

Inside Maverick’s.

[ Dyminic is watching as
Misha deals with a late
employee. ]

“I’m putting you on a final
warning this time.  And
don’t forget your correct

[ Misha walks back to Dyminic
who is taking notes at a table. ]

MISHA: Figure anything out yet?
DYMINIC: I have a lot of ideas.  Let
me gather my thoughts and I’ll
check in on you again soon.

How does that sound?

[ Dyminic grabs his bag & gets
ready to go but is blocked by
Misha. ]

MISHA: Fantastic.  See ya later

[ She smiles suggestively
at him & Dyminic waves
before walking out. ]

Back room of TA.

[ Landyn & Mark are
sitting on a prop couch
talking. ]

MARK: You okay, man?

LANDYN: Yes, I’m fine.
So when are we next
in the studio?
MARK: We should be filming
again in the next two weeks.

In the meanwhile, why don’t
you take some time off?

[ Landyn’s phone vibrates &
he checks it as Mark continues
to talk. ]

[TEXT] Hit me up if you still
need that.

LANDYN: Sorry to cut this short
but I have to leave.
MARK: Wait, we still have a
few more pages.

[ After awhile Landyn is
waiting in his car, listening
to music.

Picking his phone back up,
he erases the text and phone
number.  Sighing, he smiles
& drives off. ]

Night, at Amber’s.

[ Dyminic sits at the bar
while Amber is making
dinner. ]

DYMINIC: I had one hell of a
weird experience today.

[ Amber turns around. ]

AMBER: Oh yeah?
DYMINIC: Just the way the store
I was in ran things.  I’ll say it
was a tad bit questionable.
AMBER: Say no more. I get it.
Any place that we go?

DYMINIC: Well, I’m really not
suppose to mention names.
But what the hey, it was

Ever heard of them?
AMBER: Of course.  They are
right under us in store sales
in the area.  Our direct
competition actually.

[ She looks away. ]

DYMINIC: Well, I’m not trying
to fight against you.
AMBER: But that’s kind of your
job now, isn't it?
DYMINIC: Right.  Now I don’t
know what to do.