December 10, 2014

New Begin

Late afternoon, TA.

[ Kristyn & Monica are talk-
ing in the break room. ]

KRISTYN: So I think my girl
has her first crush.
MONICA: Oh yeah, on who?
KRISTYN: Little H but I don’t
think he’s into it.
MONICA: Aw that’s too bad.
Did I tell you Kii has a girl-
friend now?
KRISTYN: No way.
MONICA: Yup. He’s dating a
KRISTYN: Damn.  Get it get it,
I guess.

[ They both laugh.  Amber enters
the room. ]

AMBER: Hey, Kyle’s outside.
MONICA: Thanks.  I better get
going then.  See you two later.

[ Monica exits & Amber sits
down across from Kristyn. ]

AMBER: Not to be the bearer
of bad news but I saw your
ex outside too.
KRISTYN: Jared?  He never
comes around TA.  Wonder
what he wants.

[ Amber shakes her head
while Kristyn gathers her
stuff. ]

Random street, downtown.

[ Airynn pulls into a parking
lot, gets out & starts walking
toward the building.

Reaching the door, he knocks
& hears someone walking
up to it immediately. ]

STRANGER: Are you lost?
AIRYNN: No.  Well depends
on how you look at it, I

[ Airynn smirks, while the guy
steps out & looks around. ]

STRANGER: Come in then.

[ He holds open the door
for Airynn to step inside.

Looking around, he sees
a group of people sitting
in a circle on the floor. ]

AIRYNN: What is this, like a
bible study or something?
STRANGER: Not hardly.
Sit down.  We’re about
to get started.

I’m George by the way.

Outside the Aisles.

[ Kristyn goes up to Jared’s
car and he rolls down the
window. ]

JARED: Hey, we need to talk.
KRISTYN:  You couldn’t of
called, what is this about?
JARED: You never answer.
If you did, you’d know that
I’m moving to a new town.

It’s a couple hours away.
KRISTYN: Okay, just let me
know the address and we
can meet half way on your
JARED: I’m afraid it’s not
that simple.

[ He hands Kristyn a folder
of papers. ]

KRISTYN: What's this?
JARED: We have a court date
in a few days and I suggest
that you be there.
I’ve already talked to Sara.
KRISTYN: Talked to her about

JARED: I’m sorry Kristyn, but
she wants to go with me.

Back inside the meeting.

GEORGE: Does anyone want
to get things started?

[ Airynn watches as a few
hands go up in the air. ]

FEMALE: Sure, I will.
Who’s your friend?
AIRYNN: I’m Airynn.  Hi

[ He waves & smiles but
they all stay silent. ]

AIRYNN: Anyway, I’ve seen
you guys on the news and
was curious as to what this
was about.
GEORGE: That can’t be the
only reason, come on.
FEMALE: Yeah, what else?

[ Airynn looks down & she
comes over to him. ]

AIRYNN: Fine, I’ll level with
you.  I guess lately I’ve been
feeling like I’m all alone.
My parents are always working.
My only brother is busy with
school stuff and my one friend
is never around.  

At Kristyn’s house.

[ She is talking to her
daughter in the kitchen. ]

KRISTYN: So why didn’t
you tell me about this
situation with your dad?

[ Sara looks up at her. ]

SARA: Because Mom, I didn’t
want you to be upset.
KRISTYN: I just don’t understand
why you would want to leave.
You know your Dad is never
around anyway.
SARA: That’s not the point.
KRISTYN: Then what is it?

[ Sara stands up. ]

SARA: I’m not like Mairya,
alright.  Popular with tons
of friends. I just thought
that if I went to a different
school, in a new place.
Maybe I could start over.
KRISTYN: I didn’t know you
felt that way.  I’m sorry.  I
just don’t wanna be with-
out you.

[ Kristyn starts to cry &
Sara hugs onto her. ]

After the meeting.

[ Airynn & George are talking. ]

GEORGE: So, how do you feel?

AIRYNN: Great actually.  It’s nice
to get out your feelings and
actually have people listen.
GEORGE: Cool, that’s what being
In Paleseto is all about man.
A place to be away from all
the cold that’s out in this

[ Airynn grabs his bag & prepares
to head toward his car. ]

AIRYNN: Now that I’ve met you
guys.  Is it cool if I come back?
Say maybe once a week or so.
GEORGE: This isn’t a motel.

[ He gives Airynn a weird look. ]

GEORGE: You join. . . . .you