June 17, 2015

S76 P:Part 1 . . . . . .Scene One.

Morning, street highway between
home & Mirror town.

[ Tiesun is driving her, Larrie &
Zain to the company TA picnic. ]

TIESUN: Judging by the way you're
going through the sucers, I would
assume you didn't eat this morning.

[ He deeply wraps the treat around
his lips, then let's it go.  Making
as much noise as he can. ]

LARRIE: Not at all.  I'm saving up 
for this feast.  There's going to
be an Indian half also.  
TIESUN: I've heard.  

[ She half smirks at his level
of excitement but Larrie is too
involved with his snack to notice.
Zain speaks up from the back. ]

ZAIN: I'll stick to the normal
barbecue, thanks.
TIESUN: I kind of agree.  We'll
see. Though I am excited for
the dances.

[ Tiesun looks over at Larrie out
of the corner of her eye & let's 
out a slight gasp. ]

TIESUN: What are you doing?

[ Larrie slips the candy paper
out of his mouth. Riping a
piece off with his teeth, he
starts to chew on it. ]

LARRIE: What? It still taste
like the candy.

[ He swallows it down as they
sit back in moderate disgust
but he keeps on munching.

Tiesun starts to shake her
head while Zain makes a face
at Larrie in the car mirror. ]

LARRIE: Mmmmmm.