August 21, 2013

" I Plead, Corrupt! "

Outside Cedar Brick complex.

[ LeeVigh & Joh are sitting in the
back of Joh’s truck, ]

“Dude, I can’t believe you won
those tickets.  I’ve heard Minihaha
resort is awesome!”

LEEVIGH: Yeah, I know.  Too bad Weis
can’t come.
JOH: He’s taking this therapy thing
very seriously though.  I’m proud
of him.
LEEVIGH: Our little Weis-Lee is all
grown up.

[ They start to laugh when Marisa
approaches from inside.  Sitting down
her bags, she retreats to Joh’s lap. ]

MARISA: You think Tie and Stuu have
forgiven you for setting them up on
that fake video shoot?*
LEEVIGH:  Hopefully, considering the whole
thing blew up in my face and they we’re
actually praised for it.  The frat loved
the exposure, not to mention their names
are all around town thanks to me.
JOH: I doubt Stuu will see it that way.
LEEVIGH: Well, consider this one hell
of a makeup gesture.

[ Suddenly a car screeches toward them,
coming to a stop, & Airryn gets out. ]

“Beer anyone?”

At Mark & Ski’s house.

[ Chais is laying in bed with the
door open when Ski walks in. ]

CHAIS: This grounding crap is
killing me.
SKI:  Maybe next time you’ll
think before taking stuff
that isn’t yours.
CHAIS: Its been three days.
I think I know not to steal
by now.

SKI: Since you have so much
time. Get up and clean your
room.  And I’ll be right in
living room. 

[ Chais smirks at him. ]

Don’t even think about it!

[ Chais throws a pillow in the
doorway barely missing Ski
walking out. 

He gets out his phone, dialing
his best friend. ]

CHAIS: You have to help
get me out of here. 

Inside Joh’s truck.

[ Leevigh & Airynn are talking
while Joh drives. ]

LEEVIGH: So, your exes would rather
ride with each other than you.  That’s
AIRYNN: I’m the Devil.  Didn’t I tell you. 

LEEVIGH: And you see how fast Stuu
volunteered to drive.
I must not be any better.

[ They both chug at their beers. ]

JOH: We’re almost at the entrance.
Get rid of those cans. 

[ A little while later, LeeVigh, Marisa, Joh,
Tiesun, Stuu, & Airynn are all relaxing
outside near the backyard lake.

Tiesun & Stuu are eating fruit and
talking away from the others. ]

TIESUN: What are you looking at
so hard?

[ Stuu turns away. ]

STUU: Nothing.  You look nice.
TIESUN: Thank you.

[ She stands up & turns around
as Stuu notices LeeVigh’s sly
gaze in her direction. ]

Still in Chais’ bedroom.

[ After finding out Billy is grounded
as well, Chais is about to give up
when he hears a knock on his window.

Opening it up, he is surprise to
see Jenni waving at him. ]

JENNI: You could help me in.
CHAIS: Oh yeah, sorry.
Did you really just climb
up here for me?

[ Jenni comes in & sits on the bed. ]

JENNI: I did.  And I brought you
CHAIS: If this is what a date is like,
I could get use to it.
JENNI: Its not.  Your suppose to
be doing this for me. 

[ She ruffles Chais’ hair a little ]

JENNI: And what else did you
CHAIS: I thought, I better at
least get to make out with

JENNI: You’re funny.

Back at Minihaha Resort.

[ Everyone is hanging out,
except for Stuu who is
pacing back & forth by the
picnic tables.

Meanwhile, LeeVigh is talking
to Tiesun. ]

LEEVIGH: Can I ask you something?
TIESUN: Yeah, what’s up?

[ She moves a little closer. ]

LEEVIGH: Are you dating Stuu?
Not being nozy, just the way he
acts around you sometimes.
TIESUN: Nope, just friends. 

[ Her eyes meet with LeeVigh’s
& they don’t notice Stuu walk
up.  Casually he walks into
LeeVigh. ]

“My bad, bro.”

[ Stuu keeps walking past
them & toward the lake.

LeeVigh runs to catch up
to him. ]

LEEVIGH: If this is about
Tie, just say that. 

[ Stuu doesn’t turn around,
stumbling he can barely keep
his balance on the edge.

As Stuu slowly falls into the
water, LeeVigh starts to panic. ]


[ Chais and Jenni are watching
a movie in his bedroom. ]

JENNI: Well, I better leave
before you get in trouble.
CHAIS: Yeah, but didn’t we
forget something.

[ Jenni laughs. ]

JENNI: Oh yeah.  I’m such
a silly girl.

[ She bends down over Chais’
bed and gives him a hug. ]


[ She makes her way to the
window, then turns around.
Chais sits up in bed  smiling
at her. ]

*Magic Moves