May 21, 2014

Here Comes The Monica

Outside at a local church.

[ Monica’s son walks out
to the parking lot.  Seeing Kyle
in his car, he approaches him. ]

KIILYN: Hey, Landyn says
we’re starting in ten.

[ Kyle stays silent while
Kiilyn gets in on the other
side. ]

KIILYN: You alright?
KYLE: Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.

[ He turns around wiping
his eyes as Kiilyn puts his
hand on Kyle’s shoulder. ]

KIILYN: It’s gonna be okay.
KYLE: I know.  Thanks for
being my best man.

[ He smiles at Kiilyn. ]

KIILYN: You’re welcome.
You still wanna marry
my mom, right?
KYLE: Of course.  I love
your mom more than
KIILYN: You better.

Well, let’s go in before
people start freaking.
KYLE: Good idea. 

Inside Mark’s house.

[ Mark & Jai are talking
In the living room, an
hour earlier. . . . . ]

MARK: Where’s Chais
and Jen?  We have to
leave for the wedding

JAI: Ski came and got
MARK: Oh, I see.
JAI: Can’t you two just
make up? It’s been three
weeks now.
MARK: I’ve tried. It’s not
my choice.
JAI: Well, try a little harder.

Isn’t that what you always
tell us?
MARK: Yeah, I guess.

JAI: Get creative.

[ Mark starts to laugh
& Jai looks down at his
cell. ]

JAI: We should leave.
Kii said the church is
filling up.

Back at the church.

[ Hithe, Ski, Chais, & Jenni
are seated next to each other
with Ace, Karie, & Amber
in the row in front of them. ]

HITHE: This place is getting
packed.  You see Mark yet?
SKI: No, and I’m not really
HITHE: Yeah right, man.
Everyone knows you miss

[ Before he can finish Mark
& Jai arrive, Ace moves down
& they sit next to him.

Ski looks straight ahead. ]

HITHE: Hey, I’ll be right

[ Hithe takes out his cell
phone & heads for the
lobby area. ]

HITHE: Yes hello.

He’s ready tonight?
Sure, I can’t wait.

Yeah, thank you.

Inside the church.

[ Landyn is standing on the stage
as Kyle walks down & joins him.

Soon traditional music is playing
as Monica’s daughter walks down
the aisle, littering the ground
with flowers. ]

[ Kiilyn & Kristyn are the last to
walk out.  As they go toward
different ends of the stage, the
music changes and the church
doors are held open.

Everyone stands as Monica
& her father begin to walk
past the rows. ]

[ When they reach the top
row, her father sits down
& the music stops.

Kyle, Monica, Kiilyn, &
Kristyn are now standing
In the aisle.  When the music
starts back, the crowd is
surprised as they break into
a planned dance routine. ]

[ A few minutes later, Landyn
starts the ceremony. ]

LANDYN: Now for the boring

[ The crowd laughs, & Landyn
catches a glance from a
certain audience member. ]

After the ceremony.

[ Hithe walks out to the
parking lot while texting
Ski. ]

“Had to skip reception.
Going to the agency.
See ya later.”

[ He gets in his car &
drives off.

A little while later,
Hithe arrives at a
local group home. ]

HITHE: Hey Mike.
Ready to leave?
MIKE: I hate my name.
HITHE: Right. I forgot

[ Mike gets his bag &
slowly follows behind. ]

HITHE: What do you want
me to call you then?
MIKE: Your name is Hithe,
right? Call me Little H.

Luxury Hotel, downtown.

[ Inside at the reception;
Ace, Karie, Ski, & Amber
are dancing in a circle
with Syria & Hahn not too
far away from them. ]

AMBER: Well, they certainly
aren’t trying to hide the
fact that they’ve been
KARIE: Nope.
ACE: What’s the big deal
AMBER: Oh, it’s nothing.

[ Amber looks at Ski &
smiles. ] 

[ On the other side of
the dance floor, Kyle
kisses Monica on the
cheek. ]

KYLE: I’m gonna get some
more cake.

[ He leaves her & Kristyn
dancing. ]

KYLE: Hey guys.  Have you
seen Landyn around?

At Hithe’s apartment.

[ Hithe & Little H are talking
In the living room. ]

HITHE: So those are my
rules, okay?
No problem.
HITHE: Let’s put the rest
of this stuff in your room
and then will get some

[TEXT] SKI: Hey, how’s it
[TEXT] HITHE: Sfsg.  He’s
quiet though.

LITTLE H: You have a girlfriend?
HITHE: No, it’s just me.
I’m talking to my best
friend.  He’ll be over here
later tonight. 

HITHE: Alright, where do you
wanna go?

Back at the Hotel.

[ Landyn is locking up
his room.  Turning around,
he bumps into Kyle’s cousin
Jorge. ]

LANDYN: Hey. Uh, you
 following me?

[ He starts to laugh, but
soon notices the expression
on Jorge’s face.  Looking around,
he sees the hallways empty.  Landyn
unlocks the door fast & they both
sneak inside. ]

[ Meanwhile outside, Ski is getting
ready to leave when Mark walks
up to his car door. ]

MARK: Hey, can we talk?

[ They sit down in the back
of Mark’s truck. ]

MARK: Please come home.
I miss you a lot and the
boys do too. 

[ Ski gets up, then turns
around facing Mark. ]

MARK: I made a mistake.

All I’m asking for is some