January 1, 2013

" Poisoned P.A. "

SCENE 1: Late morning at Markis’ place.

[ Tiesun hurries inside the back
 of the house. ]

“About time!  Homie is shitty about
you missing his meeting earlier. “

TIESUN: I know, right.  Damn if I get
an education.

[ They both laugh. ]

TREY: Yeah, or have any other
type of life.  That bro is all

Speaking of…I better get on
the deliveries.
Enjoy your peace while it last.     

[ Trey gets up and lets her sit at
the desk. ]

After he leaves, Tiesun goes to close
the blinds when she sees an unknown
guy sitting inside Trey’s car. Brushing
it off, she goes back to her emails. ]

[ An hour later, she is deep into some
reading when there’s a loud knock
on the back door. Startled she gets
up and answers it. ]

TIESUN: Hi.  Can I help you?

“Where the hell is Markis?”

TIESUN: Out.  I’m not sure.
And who are you?

“I’m Ja’rell, Markis’ brother.
And you standing in my crib.  

Now tell me what the fuck
is going on here.”

SCENE 2: Outside the Salon.

[ Joh sees Stuu standing near the
 back. ]

JOH: Still here? Figured you’d skip out
 early.  You figure things out with
Weis?  Finally.
STUU: No need. It was just frustration.
A minor glitch in my celibacy.  You
of all people should understand.
JOH: Trust me. I get it.
Sticking to my morals isn’t
always easy. 
STUU: Yeah, it wasn’t about Weis.
And I’m just here for the free cut. 

‘Hey lames.’

[ Larrie waves, as him
& Jeszyca walk to the
front. ]

LARRIE: What a modest
turn out, I’d say. 
JESZYCA: Listen.
You could at least try
and be supportive of
your cousin.

[ Larrie laughs. ]

LARRIE: Right.  That kid
has no clue what he’s
doing.  You’ll see.

SCENE 3: Meanwhile inside. . .

“Acer, my man.  Calm down.”

[ Ace is steadily walking back and forth. ]

HITHE: There’s a good crowd outside and
the news crew should be here anytime

[ Ace stops and turns around. ]

ACE: Wait, what?  You didn’t tell me we
we’re gonna be on TV.
HITHE: Yup, at 6 and possibly 10 tonight. 
ACE: Great! I look like hell.  Haven’t slept
for days and didn’t prepare anything.
HITHE: Don’t worry man, I got this under
Just introduce yourself and I’ll take it
from there.  You ready?

[ Ace puts out his hands that are
now shaking and follows Hithe
outside. ]

ACE: Hello everyone. Thanks for coming. I’m
the owner and here is Hithe our manager.

[ He clears his throat and steps down,
wiping his forehead. ]

HITHE: Hello all.  Whose ready to cut this
tape? [ laughs ]

I feel like we’ve done this before. 

[ Hithe hands Ace the scissors and he stands
In front of the tape still shaking. Then he starts
to feel lightheaded and slowly falls to the ground
dropping the scissors. ]

[ The crowds gasps as Hithe knells down
calling Ace’s name. ]

SCENE 4: Back inside Markis’.

‘Is there a reason why this
room is locked?’

TIESUN: No clue. Markis
should be back any time

[ He stares at her and Tiesun pretends
she has work to do on her laptop. ]

[ About 10 minutes later, Trey rushes in
 the door. ]

“Damn, we’re slow.
I haven’t gotten any. . .

[ He sees the look on Tiesun’s face and
stops turning around. ]

TREY: Oh, hey bro.

TIESUN: Yeah, this is Markis’
older brother.  He’s back
in town and came to check
up on his house.
TREY: Cool. Can I talk to you
outside for a sec?

[ On the back steps. ]

TREY: What the hell was he
thinking doing this behind
his brother’s back?

[ Tiesun shakes her head. ]

TIESUN: I don’t know but I’m
keeping my mouth shut.  Markis
is on his own now. 

SCENE 5: In a room, at the ER.

“Cuzo down!”

[ Larrie laughs. ]

ACE: Would you fucking quit saying
that and help me get out of here?
I need to get back to the Salon.
LARRIE: No, you’re exhausted.  You
have to sleep this off.
ACE: Well, I’m at least checking in.

[ He goes to make a call. ]

ACE: Damn signal!

LARRIE: Look, I’m sure your girlfriend
and Hithe have things under control. 

[ At the Salon. ]

“I thought we’ve have more traffic
coming in.’

HITHE: Me too.  Whatever you do.
Don’t tell Ace.  He’ll freak.
How’s he doing anyway?
KARIE: He’ll be alright If he gets
some rest.  He’s so stubborn!

[ She shakes her head. ]

HITHE: I know.  And don’t worry
about the turn out.  We’ll do
some promotions.  It’s
just the first day. 
KARIE: Alright

SCENE 6: In Markis driveway.

[ Tiesun is sitting in her car
and sees Trey leaving with
his head down.  Minutes
later Markis comes out
and she rolls down her
window. ]

“I need you to do me
a favor.”

TIESUN: What’s going on?

MARKIS: I need a place to
store the plants.  Just overnight
until I can figure something
else out. Deondre is on his
way with the truck. 

You’re the only one who
has their own place.
Is it cool?

[ He looks up at her with a
worried expression. ]

TIESUN: You’ll have them
out in the morning?
MARKIS: First thing.

TIESUN: Fine.  But after
that I’m done.

You’ll have to find
another PA.   

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