February 5, 2014

Vile Lane

Late Afternoon at TA.

[ Amber, Kristyn, & Monica
are talking by checkout when
Syria walks toward them. ]

SYRIA: Good.  You’re here now.

I’ve been meaning to give you
directions to my place.

[ She hands a paper to Amber
while the other two girls
talk near them. Amber looks
around. ]

AMBER: Oh you meant me.
SYRIA: Of course.  I invited the
girls over to celebrate Monica’s
AMBER: The girls? Well, then
I’ll be there.  What time?
SYRIA: Just come when you
get off tonight.  If that’s

Later Amber.

[ Syria leaves & Amber heads
upstairs to Mark’s office. ]

AMBER: Hey Mark, how was
your casino weekend?

[ Mark stares at her.  Thinking hard
before he answers. ]

Night before at TA.

[ Airynn & Stuu are taking a
break. ]

AIRYNN: Get a load of these.

STUU: Wow, Catalus tickets. 
Must have cost you a

[ Airynn takes them back. ]

AIRYNN: Nope, I won them
STUU: Nice, so who you taking
with you?
AIRYNN: Some girl, of course.

STUU: Yeah, okay.  Too bad
most of them hate you.

[ Stuu starts to chuckle. ]

AIRYNN: Go ahead.  Laugh
It up.  I know I don’t have
the best track record.

But I’ll have a date by
tomorrow night.

Guarantee it.

[ Airynn smirks, as Stuu
shakes his head at him. ]

Almost 24 hours later. . .

[ Amber, Kristyn, Monica, &
Syria are talking over glasses
of wine. ]
MONICA: So how are you
adjusting to  Dyminic being

[ Amber pretends like she’s
not paying attention. ]

SYRIA: Honestly, his work
took him away on a regular
basis.  It’s not much different.
KRISTYN: Really, so what do
you think will happen?

SYRIA: I don’t know. For now,
we’re separated.  Giving each
other space.
His assignment will be done 
in the summer though.

MONICA: And in the mean
SYRIA: If you’re asking if we’re
dating.  Then yes, I have been
on one date.

KRISTYN: Excuse me?
SYRIA: It was just a movie. Trust me,
I have every intention of working
things out with my husband.

[ Kristyn & Amber look surprised
while Monica takes a drink. ]

Meanwhile across town. . . . .

[ Airynn is walking down the
street when he notices a girl
leaning up against the wall
of a bridge. ]

AIRYNN: Hey, what are you
doing out here alone?

[ The girl looks around but
doesn’t say anything. ]

STRANGER: Nothing. Who
are you?

[ She smiles at Airynn awkwardly
as he moves closer to her.  The
girl backs away. ]

AIRYNN: Relax.  I’m just a
concerned citizen.

Anyway, I live right up the
STRANGER: Yeah, what are
you suggesting?
AIRYNN: I don’t know. A warm
couch, me, get out of this bad
weather.  Maybe. 

Back at Syria’s. . . . .

[ Everyone is laughing, playing a
game when Syria gets a phone
call & excuses herself. ]

SYRIA: Hey you.
CALLER: Good evening. Is everyone
enjoying themselves?

SYRIA: We’re cool and the
knives are still in the
CALLER: Great, I knew you
guys could get along.  Finally.

Tell them I said hi.

[ Syria peaks around the
corner and then back
inside her kitchen. ]

SYRIA: You’re joking, right.
CALLER: What do you mean?
Wait, you didn’t tell them.
Did you?
SYRIA: No.  And you are not
going to either if you want
to keep hanging out. 

I don’t need this getting
Well, I have to go I’m
being rude.  Goodnight Hahn.


[ Airynn and this new girl
are walking down the street
when suddenly they hear
sirens behind them. ]

“Stop it right there, you two!”

AIRYNN: Evening officer.  What’s
going on?

[ The officer walks up.  Shining a
light on Airynn & then the girl. ]

OFFICER: You tell me.  Do you
know this girl?

[ Airynn looks at her as the
color drains from her face. ]

AIRYNN: I would think so.  She’s
my girlfriend. 
OFFICER: Alright then.  Must be
the wrong person.

[ The officer gets in his vehicle
& drives off. ]

AIRYNN: Gee, what was that

[ Airynn turns around but
the girls starts to take off
running. ]

“Wait, hold up!”

[ Airynn looks on the ground
ahead of him seeing the
small bag the girl dropped
on the ground.  Opening it
slightly, he sees that it's
full of cash. ]