March 5, 2014

In My Way (Part 1)

s p e c i a l

Outside, the Circle downtown.

[ Kristyn & Monica are running
at a steady pace, when they see
Hahn & Syria jog past them.

Kristyn gives a faint smile. ]

KRISTYN: We should step it up
a little. 
MONICA: Why it’s not a race?
Anyway, Mark’s going to be
so happy with this turn out. 

[ They continue for a while
without speaking.

Ten minutes later, Monica
breaks the silence.  ]

MONICA: We can take a break.
We’re about halfway through.

KRISTYN: Go ahead.  I’m gonna
see if I can catch Hahn. It’s one
more mile.

[ Kristyn takes a bottle of
water and runs off.
Monica shakes her head as
she is left at the stand alone. ]

[ Arriving at the finish line, Kristyn
is disappointed to see Hahn 
is already celebrating his 
victory. ]

Back room at TA.

[ Landyn & Weis are sitting
on a couch with long white
boards a little ways in
front of them. ]

LANDYN: So, I’m just going to
introduce you.  Then ask a
few questions.

[ Landyn looks at Weis then
turns his attention in the
direction of the boards. ]

LANDYN: This is night’s member
Weis Kardin. 
Tell me, what is the best part
of working at TA store?
WEIS: I would say our team.
I know I can count on all
six of my co-workers.
Inside or outside the store.

LANDYN: That’s good to have.
What do you like to do in
your home life?
WEIS: We just started a band.
Me, my roommate, & Stuu
who also works here. 
Slees & will be doing local
shows soon.

[ After the interview is over,
Landyn is walking Weis out. ]

LANDYN: It was nice seeing
you after all this time.
WEIS: Yeah, you too. So when
do we film this thing?

LANDYN: We just did.

[ He points out all the cameras. ]

Outside Mark & Ski’s place.

[ Mark is waiting in his truck
when his youngest son joins
him inside. ]

“You ask Ski to come?’

JAI: Yeah, he said he was
too tired.
MARK: I figured.

[ Marks looks ahead, starting
the car & driving off. ]

JAI: Oh well.  We’ll have fun
without him. How come
you never told me about
your vacation?
MARK: I did tell you.
JAI: Minor details.  You we’re
acting weird when you got
home. I can tell. 

MARK: I was not.  I had fun.
Won a lot of money.
JAI: You always win, Dad
but there was something

MARK: We’re almost there.
Can you drop it?  Please.

JAI: I guess.

Monica & Kyle’s rehearsal.

[ Later that night, Landyn is
standing in the entrance of
the church with Kristyn &
various family members. ]

LANDYN: Everyone is here
but one.  And then we can
get started.

[ He smiles at everyone,
swallows & takes a drink
from his wine glass.

Kyle walks over. ]

LANDYN: Any word from the
best man?
KYLE: Not yet and it’s pissing
me off.  I know, he was out
and about the other day. 

My dad drove an hour to
be here and he can't even
come on time.
LANDYN: Calm down.  If he’s 
not here in a few minutes, I'll

[ Just when Landyn goes to
start, Marty arrives in the

Not removing his dark
glasses, he takes his place
near the maid of honor. ]


[ After the rehearsal, Monica
finds Kristyn outside the church. ]

MONICA: I’m giving Kyle his space.
KRISTYN: Yeah, I seen the look he
gave Marty when he walked in.

MONICA: I’m already starting to
ache from the run earlier.
How are you feeling?
KRISTYN: I’m good.  I actually
feel energized.  I think I’m
gonna do more working out.

MONICA: Tonight?
KRISTYN: No, I just mean in
Anyway, I have to pick up
the girls from Jared’s.

I’ll see you at the dress
MONICA: Later girl.

[ After Kristyn gets home,
her children are sitting in
the living room watching

Putting on her headphones,
she heads out the back door. ]

Inside the church.

[ Kyle is walking out to
find Monica.  Landyn
approaches Marty. ]

LANDYN: How you doing?

[ Marty gets up. ]

MARTY: Getting use to
walking around again.

[ Landyn notices that
his balance is off. ]

LANDYN: That’s cool.  So you’ll
be back to work soon.
MARTY: No, I wish. Well, I
have a headache. I’ll see
you at the tux shop tomorrow.

LANDYN: Alright man.

[ Marty leaves & Landyn sees a
tiny bag fall out his pocket
and hit the ground.

Looking around, Landyn picks
it up.  He opens it up a little
but can already tell what is
inside. ]

The next morning.

[ Kristyn is up eating breakfast,
when she gets a text from

“See you at the shop.  At 11.”

[ She looks at her watch. ]

“Good, I have just enough
time to get in another

NEW PREVIEW. . . . .