June 4, 2012

" The Letter A (conclusion) "

[ Stuu wakes up realizing
its light outside. ]


[ He sits up and grabs
his phone. ]

[ On the other side of town,
 Joh and Weis are walking
into MSCC. ]

JOH: Dude.  You got
the stuff?
WEIS: You mean this
sexy survey brought
to you by the new
JOH: Yup.  Since
when is there an
A anyway, right?

[ They both laugh. ]

WEIS: Stop number
ten.  You really have
to empty all these?
JOH: Yes.  Well if
you know who had
shown his face
I wouldn't be
doing it alone.
WEIS: Oh.  Maybe the
frat will teach him
a lesson by spanking
him with that big
paddle. They still have
those right?

[ Joh shakes his head. ]

WEIS: As for Stuu's
crazy behavior,
you shouldn't be
Running away
seems to be his

JOH: Last semester?
Yeah sure.  But
Stuu has changed.

Well, we better get
 a seat.

[ Joh walks into class
as a survey falls out
from his bag. ]

'Hey, you dropped

[ Weis sees a familar
name on the top and
skips to his answer
for Question 1. ]

D. Never


‘You’re serious,
a script?’

MARK: Don’t be so
modest Lando, I’m  
familiar with your
past work.

[ He pulls out an old
underwear ad and
sits it in on the
desk. ]

LANDYN: So I did
some shitty prints for
a non-existent store
10 years ago,
what’s your point?
MARK: The point is I
want to use this newly
discovered talent of
yours to take our store
to the next level.
LANDYN: By doing
what exactly?
MARK: We’re launching
a series of commercials
and you’re going to be
our spokesperson.
LANDYN: Right. And this
definitely won’t put me
on a one-way trip back
to crazy town.
MARK: You’ll be fine.
Trust me.  Now I have
some scenes I want
you to look over.
We’re doing some
test shoots in about

[ Hands Landyn papers
and looks at his watch. ]

‘Three hours.’

MARK: Just look these
over and I’ll see you
then. Gotta go help
 up front.


‘Hey nerd.  Thanks
for the warning.’

[ Stuu looks around
as Joh walks up. ]

STUU: Sorry I over-
slept bro. Had a late
JOH: Sure. Was there
some all-night science
marathon on TV?

[ Joh laughs, then
stops at Stuu’s
serious expression. ]

JOH: What’s up?
STUU: Look, I should
probably tell you
now that. . .
JOH: Something
happened with you
 and Weis, didn’t it?
STUU: Well, yes
and no.
JOH: What does
that mean?
STUU: It means, I
freaked out and
stopped him.
JOH: Okay, so it
was your first
time. You were
nervous, right?
STUU: I wish that
was it.  Truth is
I could’ve done it.

And that is scaring
me shit less.


[ Landyn enters the
back room and sees
the set up for the
commercial. ]

‘Right on time.’

MARK: This is Kyle.
He’ll be holding the
cue cards for you.

I’ll be sitting
here directing.
 Just focus on the
camera and your
lines, you got it?
LANDYN: Sure thing

[ He rolls his eyes
and walks behind
the counter. ]

[ Outside the store,
Ace sees Amber
sitting on the bench. ]

ACE: I see the back
room is blocked off.
What’s Mark got up
his sleeve now?
AMBER: Who knows.
I thought I’d never
get out here for
a break.

[ She takes a hit of
her cigarette as
Ace starts to yawn. ]

ACE: Sorry. I’ve been
up since 5 and Hithe
would pick the day
before the Salon open
to leave early.
AMBER: Yeah, he’s
been weirder than
usual lately.
Well, break’s done.

Tell Karie I said hi.



MARK: It’s faster,
fresher, friendlier.

That’s the motto!
LANDYN: With all the
money you’ve spent
you should’ve hired
a writer too.

[ Mark smirks. ]

‘Just take it from
the top wise ass.’

[ Landyn starts to
read his lines when
suddenly a man with
a white coat and a
women burst through
the door. ]

‘Dr. Abrams?

MARK: Hello?
I ‘m the one who
says cut here.
DR. ABRAM: Sorry to
Interrupt your pro-
duction Sir, but your
star here broke out
of our facility three
days ago. 


[ 15 minutes until
night shift at the
Aisles. ]

  JOH: Just because
you’re asexual or
whatever doesn’t
mean it’s over.
STUU: Yeah right.  We
both know Weis is
well. . .experienced.
JOH: Yeah, and maybe
It doesn’t matter.
Just talk to him when
he’s gets here.  Give
it a chance.

[ Stuu heads outside.
Meanwhile Weis pulls
into the back lot with
a stranger. ]

‘Thanks for the ride
and the green. You
didn’t have to drop
me off.’

TREY: Not a problem.
Anything for a loyal

[ He laughs and Weis
starts to get his stuff. ]

TREY: Wait, there’s a
reason why I dropped
you off here.

[ Weis turns around. ]

[ 5 minutes later Stuu
enters the back lot.
Looking over he sees a
stranger kissing Weis.
As they climb over
into the back seat
and continue all he
can do is stand there. ]