April 2, 2014

Setting Up

In the guy’s basement.

[ Stuu, LeeVigh, & Weis
are sitting around the
room. ]

LEEVIGH: Okay.  Let’s talk
about subject matter.

STUU: Why don’t we use
the song I wrote? The one
I auditioned with.

[ They both look at Weis across
from them on a chair. ]

WEIS: That’s a solo thing. It’s
not right for a band.
STUU: Well, we could add to it.
LEEVIGH: It would be better if
It was a group effort.
WEIS: Yeah, I agree.

[ Stuu shrugs his shoulder. ]

STUU:  Then why don’t we
go with love?  Since Lee
has a new girlfriend and
you’ve been in love

[ He points at Weis. ]

What, two…three times?

[ Stuu rolls his eyes but
Weis doesn’t see him. ]

Late afternoon, at TA.

[ Amber enters Mark’s office. ]

AMBER: Hey, did our extra
work last week pay off?

[ She sits down. ]

MARK: Nope.  Ski’s team still
won.  They deserved it
though, it’s fine. 

[ He smiles at Amber. ]

AMBER: Yeah.  Speaking
of Ski, I thought you had
a picture of him and your
boys up, where’d it go?

[ Mark looks away. ]

MARK: Uh, I had to take
It down.  Had some execs
in here earlier.
AMBER: Oh, I see.

Well, I better go get
started.  See you later.

[ She quickly exits the
office & makes her
way downstairs. ]

Back at band rehearsal.

“It can’t just be about
love either.”

STUU: True. A personal
experience would be

[ Weis stands up. ]

WEIS: I got it, then.

How about you never
In life wanting to have

STUU: That’s a decision I
made a long time ago.
What about it?
LEEVIGH: Just curious, why?

STUU: I just have never had
a desire to.  I don’t know.

It’s hard to explain.
WEIS: Well, think about it.

[ Weis hands Stuu his
notepad and a pen. ]

STUU: This is too much.

[ He puts the stuff down
& excuses himself from
the room. ]

Front break room, TA.

[ Lacey is eating her lunch
when Amber sits down
next to her. ]

AMBER: Hey girl.

LACEY: Good you’re here.

[ She moves closer. ]

AMBER: What’s going on?
LACEY: How well do you
know Mark, the boss?
AMBER: Pretty good, why?

LACEY: Ever since the casino
weekend, he’s been acting
weird towards me.
AMBER: Wait a minute, you
were there?
LACEY: Yeah, with a friend.
I had no idea Mark & Ace
would show up.
LACEY: Is he dating anyone?

[ Amber recalls the missing
picture. ]

AMBER: Mark is engaged.  Has
been for awhile. 
LACEY: You mean, I was
involved in an affair?

Outside, after rehearsal.

[ Stuu & LeeVigh are talking
in the driveway. ]

LEEVIGH: Well, that was fun.
STUU: Oh yeah. At least we
got part of it done without
a major blow out.

Too bad it’s at my expense.
LEEVIGH: What do you mean?
STUU: I’m just not comfortable
putting myself out there like
that and Weis knows it.
He takes advantage. 
LEEVIGH: Well, don’t worry about
It.  I’m not gonna judge you.

And Weis will come around.

[ Stuu turns to leave & a paper
falls out of his jacket. LeeVigh
picks it up & calls to him. ]

LEEVIGH: Wait, what’s this?

Application for being a

[ Stuu takes the paper back
& leaves. ]

Outside Mark’s office.

[ Mark is locking up when
Amber approaches him. ]

“Can we talk?”

MARK: I was just leaving
but what’s going on?

AMBER: Tell me the truth,
did something happen on
your casino weekend?
Lacey told me you’ve been
acting strange.

[ Marks looks right at her. ]

MARK: I have to pick up my
AMBER: Don’t lie to me Mark,
I of all people understand
what you’re going through
but if something happened,
you need to tell Ski.

[ Mark stays silent. ]

AMBER: I can’t believe this.
You're the last person I'd
expect this from.

If you don’t say anything,
then I will. 

NEW PREVIEW . . . . .

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