December 31, 2009

204 BOYs

[ At Weis' parents house, he's in bed sleeping. ]

[ His mom calls from outside his bedroom door. ]

WEIS' MOM: It's after 12, are you ever getting up?

WEIS: Shit!  I mean, yes mom.

WEIS' MOM: What was that?

[ sighs ] WEIS: Nothing. . .

WEIS' MOM: Well, you need to get out of bed…

Just because you're not in school,

doesn't mean you can sleep all day!

WEIS: OK I am!

[ Stands up and pulls on some pants/

picks up his cell & dials a number ]

WEIS: Hey, I'm up. . .you still bringing it?

Alright cool, see you in a little while

[ In the kitchen Weis sits at the table/

picks up a muffin & starts eating it. ]

[ His mom comes in & stares at him. ]

WEIS: What?

WEIS' MOM: Me and your Dad were just wondering. . .

What you've been doing lately?

WEIS: Come on, mom.

Could we not go there for one day? [ looks away ]

WEIS' MOM: I mean, you worked really hard last year

and now you disappear all day long and do nothing

WEIS: I don't do nothing, I work all night.

WEIS' MOM: I know, you work. . .

But, what are your plans? Do you even have any?

WEIS: I have plenty of time to think about that!

WEIS' MOM: And you're always leaving with that same guy

WEIS: And?

WEIS' MOM: We're just concerned about you

[ raises his voice ] WEIS: Well, don't be…I'm fine.

WEIS' MOM: OK, well I'm going to work

I'll see you in the morning… [ kisses him on the cheek ]

WEIS: Mom!

WEIS MOM: Think about what I said. . . [ she leaves ]

[ dials his cell ] WEIS: Yeah, she's gone…

I'm coming out now

[ Morning at the store, Amber & Monica are talking. ]

AMBER: Wow! So, you gonna tell your kids?

MONICA: I don't know yet…

I mean, he's being really good with them right now

But I still have my doubts

AMBER: Yeah, I understand

I mean, he just got out of jail

MONICA: Anyways, you here about Dina?

AMBER: No, what about her?

MONICA: She put in her two week notice

AMBER: What! Are you serious?

MONICA: Yeah, can you believe it?

Three years of service down the drain…

all because of one person

AMBER: That's crazy!

[ sneaks up on them ] HITHE: Hey girls!

[ both immediately look up at him]

AMBER: Don't do that! [ sighs ]

[ laughs ] HITHE: Sorry. . .

This feels just like old times though!

AMBER: Yeah, I know. . .except Ski's not here

[ Mark passes by whistling, stops & looks at them. ]

[ smiles ] MARK: Morning everyone!

[ walks to the back ]

MONICA: What's going on with him?

[ looks at Amber ] HITHE: He probably heard you say Ski,

and the mere thought of him brightened his whole day

AMBER: Oh yeah, that's it [ hits his arm]


[ Everyone laughs. ]

[ A car drives off & Weis gets out, looks around/

Then starts walking. . . ]

[ He enters a park & disappears behind some trees

sitting down/ Then pulls a bag & a lighter out

of his back pocket. ]

[ Kristyn enters the store. ]

HITHE: Hey you [ smiles ]

KRISTYN: Morning Hithe…

Hey everyone!

[ She walks toward the back & Hithe follows her. ]

[ looks at Monica ] AMBER: Yup, exactly like old times

[ comes up to Hithe & Kristyn in the back. ]

MARK: Sorry to interrupt…

Can I talk to you, Kristyn?

KRISTYN: Uh, yea sure [ looks at Hithe ]

MARK: OK, let's go in my office

[ In Mark's office, their sitting down ]

[ looks at her ] MARK: So, how you feeling?

KRISTYN: Oh, I'm doing better right now…

It's off and on though

MARK: That's good!

Well, take it easy around here…don't do too much


But I'm ready to start getting

things back to normal

MARK: Yeah, I understand that. . .

we're glad you're back

KRISTYN: Thanks. . . [ silence ]

So, if you don't mind me asking…

How's your divorce going?

MARK: Actually I'm glad you did. . .

Everything is finally settled!

KRISTYN: That's great!

MARK: I know

It was a long, drawn out process

KRISTYN: Yeah, I will be going through

the same thing soon [ looks down ]

MARK: Don't worry

I'm sure it wasn't your fault

KRISTYN: Yeah, well I gotta punch in…

MARK: OK, see you later

[ Weis is walking home & on his phone. ]

[ gets VM ] WEIS: Hey babe, where you at?

Well, I love you…call me back!

[ Suddenly a car drives up & someone gets out. ]

WEIS: What are you doing here?

AIRYNN: Why hello there, Weis. . . [ smirks ]

funny I'd come across you here

WEIS: Yeah, ha-ha!  I live here…

What the fuck do you want?

AIRYNN: Oh, nothing… [ laughs ]

See you at work!

WEIS: Uh, yea…bye! [ rolls his eyes & goes inside ]

[ Sitting down at the table, he pulls out a cigarette

& lights it. ]

[ Up front at the store. ]

MONICA: Wow, today is flying by

AMBER: Yeah, I know. . .

HITHE: Well, you know what they say…

Time goes by when you're having fun

MONICA: Yeah, I guess

AMBER: Wow, Mr. Comedian over here

Where's Mark?

I haven't seen him in hours

HITHE: I don't know…

He had to leave early for some reason

[ Inside a local bar & Mark enters. ]

FRIEND1: There he is

MARK: Hey guys

FRIEND2: Where's your friend?

MARK: Oh Ski. . .

FRIEND1: Yeah, the one from your party [ smirks ]

MARK: Uh, I couldn't get ahold of him

FRIEND1: Oh well, it's time to celebrate

MARK: Celebrate what? [ looks down at his cell ]

FRIEND2: You getting your freedom back

[ hands him a shot & sits a beer down in front of him ]

MARK: Oh!  Well in the case…

What are we waiting for?

[ He downs the shot & chugs his glass until it's emptied/

His friends just stare at him. ]

MARK: What?

[ Weis is sitting out on his front steps

& Ski pulls up. ]

SKI: Hey you!

WEIS: Hey, where you been? [ he gets in ]

SKI: Sorry, I just woke up like an hour ago

[ leans over & kisses him ]

WEIS: It's OK [ smiles ]

SKI: What have you been doing?

[ Weis starts to laugh ]

SKI: Oh, I no…

Damn, how do you always get that stuff?

WEIS: Mark


WEIS: No, wait…I mean

SKI: You've been getting it from Mark?

WEIS: NO, well yeah…I have before

He gets the good shit [ smirks ]

SKI: Wow, I can't believe him…

That's not the point!

He shouldn't be giving you it at all!

WEIS: Are you mad?

SKI: No, just surprised

WEIS: Well, I got some left, if you wanna…

[ Ski just looks at him, then turns the other way. ]

[ Back at the bar, Mark is drinking another beer. ]

FRIEND1: This isn't like the calm and collective

Mark, we're use to…

FRIEND2: Yeah, you've never been like this

What's with you tonight?

MARK: Nothing, it's just like you said…

I'm celebrating

FRIEND2: You sure that's the only reason?

MARK: Yeah [ his cell rings ]

MARK: Hold on, I have to answer this [ goes outside ]

[ Friend1 + 2 looks at each other. ]

MARK: Hey!  I've been trying to get ahold of you!

You should come down here…

SKI: Yeah, I don't know

MARK: Wait, is something wrong?

SKI: You tell me. . .

Weis told me you've been getting him high

MARK: What?

SKI: Why are you selling that anyway?

MARK: I don't sell it Ski, I don't even smoke it…

I just know people who do and he called me

SKI: Oh, well I didn't know you two

meet up outside of work

MARK: A few times. . .you and him are having sex

But why does any of this matter?

SKI: Well, I might be sleeping with him…

But at least I'm not giving him drugs!

MARK: Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you

SKI: Yeah. . .well, I don't know

I'll just talk to you later [ hangs up ]

[ Mark leans up against the building & his friends come oBoysut. ]

FRIEND1: So, is he coming?

FRIEND2: Yeah, what did he say?

[ Mark doesn't look, just shakes his head ]

(               Edited 0516                )

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