#Surprise | Loading. . ."

December 30, 2009


[ In Kristyn's living room. ]

KRISTYN: Can't you control your own kids?

HUSBAND: I'm trying to, but they won't listen.

[ sighs ] KRISTYN: I thought I was the woman

in our relationship… [ stands up ]

OK, you two that's enough!

Sit down now and watch cartoons.

HUSBAND: I'm sorry babe

KRISTYN: You know I feel like shit,

I shouldn't have to run after the kids too

HUSBAND: I know, maybe you should go lay down

KRISTYN: No, I'll be fine…

[ Kristyn sits and waits for everyone to fall asleep

then walks slowly to the door. ]

[ hearing the door ] HUSBAND: Hey, where you going?

KRISTYN: I need some fresh air…

I'll be right back

HUSBAND: OK, love you!

[ Kristyn shuts the door & leaves. ]

[ Back in the store cooler. ]

SKI: So…what now?

WEIS: That was my first time

SKI: You mean…

WEIS: Yes I was a virgin

SKI: Oh. Well that's fine,

WEIS: Please don't tell anyone about this.

SKI: OK, but let's get back to work

before the others start to wonder…

[ Weis quick kisses him & leaves ]

[ Back at Kristyn's… ]

HUSBAND: Hey, your back


HUSBAND: Where'd you go?

KRISTYN: Just around the neighborhood

HUSBAND: Oh, well are you hungry?

I ordered pizza…

KRISTYN: Naw, I'm just gonna lay down


[ Kristyn goes upstairs & sits on the bed taking

out a bag from the inside of her jacket. ]

[ Back at The Aisles.]

WEIS: Look Ski, it's getting light out…

SKI: Yeah, almost time to go

SKI: Since we're done…

Let's go wait outside

WEIS: OK cool

[ Back at Kristyn's/ She's coming out

the bathroom looking down. ]

HUSBAND: The kids are finalie sleeping

[ looks at her ] Hey, what's wrong?

[ coughs ] KRISTYN: Nothing, just a little tired

[ gets into bed ]

HUSBAND: You feeling any better?

[ turns over ] KRISTYN: Yeah, I'm fine now

HUSBAND: Good! I was worried about you

But since you're all better…

[ moves closer and starts touching her ]

KRISTYN: Get off of me!

I just wanna go to bed…OK?

HUSBAND: OK, I'm sorry.

Goodnight! [ rolls over ]

[ Outside the store/ Weis opens a pack of

cigarettes ]

SKI: You smoke?

WEIS: Yeah… [ lights one ]

Do you?

SKI: Nope, never have…


SKI: Yeah, so do your parents know?

WEIS: My parents! Yeah right

they'd kill me…

They already don't like me

SKI: Oh, why is that?

WEIS: I don't know…

It's like, I can never do anything right

as far as they're concerned

SKI: Aw, I'm sorry

WEIS: It's alright…

Look how pretty the sky is right now

SKI: Yeah [ smiles ]

[ Kristyn sees her husband asleep & grabs her cell/

Getting up she walks downstairs & toward the

front door. ]

[ Back at the store Ski & Weis are outside/

Joh & Airynn pass by looking at them. ]

WEIS: Those dumb fucks!

SKI: Yeah, who cares what they think!

It only matters how you feel about yourself

WEIS: Right

and sitting here with you is making me feel

really good.

[ Ski notices Weis moving his hand towards his. ]

[ Kristyn's sitting outside on her porch/

Starts dialing her cell & gets a VM. ]

KRISTYN: Hey Hithe, it's me…

I really need to talk to you

So call me back, OK? Bye

[ Sighs & sits there waiting… ]

[ Ski's just about to grab Weis' hand,

but he moves it suddenly. ]

WEIS: Here comes Mark!

SKI: What? Oh, I see him…

[ Mark walks up to them & keeps walking

towards the door. ]

SKI: Uh, morning Mark!

WEIS: Hey Mark!

[ turns around ] MARK: Oh, sorry…

Didn't see you guys there

SKI: It's OK, how are you?

MARK: I'm fine… [ looks away ]

I gotta get in though, I'll see you later

[ stands up ] SKI: Something's wrong with him…

He's acting weird

WEIS: How could you tell? It's Mark!

SKI: Maybe I should go talk to him

[ starts walking away… ]

WEIS: Wait Ski, can you give me a ride home?

SKI: Yeah sure…

Just wait, I'll be right back

[ Ski catches up to Mark on his way to the back. ]

SKI: Mark!

MARK: Uh hi, thought you were leaving…

SKI: I was, but I wanted to see you first

…What's wrong?

MARK: Nothing [ looks down ]

SKI: Come on, Mark!

You always talk to me…

[ looks at him ] MARK: So, you taking him home?

SKI: Yeah, I guess…Why?

MARK: No reason… [ pauses for a second ]

Do you like Weis?

SKI: Uh, I don't know

MARK: Well, it seems like you do

SKI: No, he likes me…and he's really nice, so?

MARK: Oh, that's good! It's just…

SKI: Just what?

MARK: Nothing, I just don't want

you getting hurt like last time

[ looks at him ] SKI: Thanks Mark, but I'll be OK

I have to leave though…Call me later!

MARK: OK bye

[ Kristyn's still sitting outside & is startled

by her cell ringing. ]

HITHE: Hey, you sounded upset in your message…

What's wrong?

KRISTYN: Well, I don't know quite how to tell

you this

HITHE: It's OK, just tell me

I'm listening…

KRISTYN: OK, here goes…

[ clears her throat ] I'm pregnant!

(               Edited 0516             )

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