#Surprise | Loading. . ."

December 31, 2009


( T&T /#12 )

‘ Uh, I don’t know about

that! ‘

[ Joh just looks at him weird ]

WEIS: Or wait, put your hand

in a fist and open it

a little. . .

JOH: What’s this gonna do?

WEIS: If I connect my open fist

to yours. . . then when I take

a hit I’ll blow it in there and you

can inhale it

JOH: I guess I’ll try it

[ Weis takes a big hit blowing it. . .

then Joh inhales it ]

WEIS: Now hold it in. . .

then blow it out

[ starts coughing ] JOH: Did I

do it right?

WEIS: Yeah

How do you feel?

JOH: I don’t know yet

WEIS: Let’s get the stuff and

start walking. . .

[ Joh starts walking. . . ]

[ yells out ] WEIS: Dude, the

trucks the other way!

[ turns around ] JOH: Oh yeah

WEIS: It got bright

outside just now. . .

JOH: Yeah, I know

WEIS: Want some shades?

JOH: Sure

[ Pulls them out of his bag

and hands him one ]

JOH: Thanks

WEIS: No problem. . .

Want another hit?

JOH: No, I don’t think so

WEIS: Alright, so I was just

wondering. . .

JOH: Yeah, about what?

WEIS: How did you get into the

whole Jehovah Witness thing?

JOH: Oh, I was born into it. . .

a lot of my family are

WEIS: I’ve never even been

to a church

JOH: It’s nothing like going to

church. . .

WEIS: What do you do?

I mean, I know a lot of

stuff you can’t. . .

JOH: Yeah, I've never drank. . .

I've never smoked, anything bad


WEIS: Wow, I couldn't do that. . .

I’ve been smoking since I was 13

You’re like an angel

JOH: Not according to my Dad

I’m always doing something

wrong. . .

WEIS: Oh, he should back off!

You’re a good kid. . .a lot

better than me

JOH: Yeah, I guess

Wait. . .I’m not a kid!

WEIS: You know what I mean,

[ looks at him ] Here. . . you

want another hit?

JOH: Yeah. . . [ takes it ]

I feel so weird my

head is like spinning

[ Weis’ home someone approaches

his front door and knocks. . .his

Mom opens the door ]

‘Hey, sorry to bother you. . .

I was just wondering if Weis

was home’

WEIS’MOM: No, he’s not. . .

He didn’t come home from

work again

SKI: Again?

[ She just looks at him ]

SKI: OK, well thanks

[ She shuts the door not saying

anything else and Ski walks off

not noticing his license fall out

his pocket. . . ]

[ Unlocking the door, he walks into

Mark’s and sees him sitting on the

couch ]

[ stands up ] MARK: You’re late

and I made you breakfast

SKI: I’m sorry. . .

I went to see if Weis was


[ Mark just looks at him. . . ]

SKI: Don’t worry

He left early this morning

and I just wanted to see why

MARK: Oh, alright then

SKI: Yeah [ sits at the table ]

You didn't have to do this. . .

I could have cooked for you

MARK: It’s  alright. . .

I’m getting tried of laying

around here doing nothing

SKI: Well, that’s OK

I’m here to entertain you

now. . .

[ Ski smiles, leaning over toward

Mark ]

[ Back with Joh and Weis they’re

getting close to the camp site ]

WEIS: That was a long walk!

JOH: Yeah, I know

WEIS: Hey, you wanna call

your Dad or something

and tell him about the car?

JOH: No, he can just deal

with it later. . .

Let’s put the tent up and

just hang out in there

WEIS: Alright

[ Weis stands there in front

of it. . . ]

JOH: You don’t know how,

do you?

WEIS: Nope

JOH: OK then, I guess. . .

Just watch and learn 

[ About an hour later, Joh is sitting

inside the tent and Weis is laying

down smoking a cigarette ]

JOH: Well, that took me a lot

longer than usual. . .

[ Weis waves the cigarette in

front of him. . . ]

JOH: No, thank you. . .

I think I've done enough bad

for today already

WEIS: Dude, it’s no big deal

really. . .this is an awesome

tent though

JOH: I know, It’s already

starting to get dark out

WEIS: Yeah, soon everyone is

gonna know were gone

JOH: I don’t care. . .

I’m finally getting to relax 

[ lays down ]

WEIS: Me too

JOH: Sometimes I sit out in

our backyard in this tent and

just like this.

[ turns away ]

Wow, that was lame

WEIS: No, you’re not. . .

This is kinda ‘Brokeback Mountain’


JOH: Yeah, except I like girls

WEIS: You just had to ruin

the moment, didn’t you?

[ Weis looks at him, and they both

start laughing. . . ]

JOH: So, do you got anymore?

WEIS: What? [ smirks at him ]

I thought you were done

JOH: Nope.

I feel good and I’m having

too much fun to stop

I just wanna enjoy

tonight. . .then Im finished

[ Hours later at TA, Ski

is sitting in the break room when

Airynn, Markis, and Jeszyca arrive ]

SKI: Hey, has anyone seen


JESZYCA: Nope, he usually

sitting outside

SKI: Yeah, I know. . .

AIRYNN: Joh isn't here either,

again! That’s two no call/no

shows. . .shouldn't he be fired?

SKI: Uh, no. . .he has one

more time [ stands up ]

You can’t fire anyone

anyway, so why are you


[ Ski gets up and walks out. . . ]

MARKIS: Damn fam, he straight

treated your ass. . .

[ Airynn just looks at him, and Jeszyca

tries not to laugh. . . ]

[ Back in the tent. . . ]

JOH: You know we’ve been just

laying here for hours, right?

WEIS: Really? I could’ve sworn you

were just talking. . .

[ Joh picks up a pillow and hits

Weis on the head. . . ]

JOH: Wake up call!

WEIS: Oh, OK. . .

You wanna play games?

[ picks up his pillow ]

JOH: Wait a second. . .

Did you just see that?

WEIS: No, what?

JOH: I just seen someone

walk across over there

WEIS: You’re spaced, dude!

I didn't see anyone

JOH: I’m serious, look!

It’s an old man, I think

he’s coming this way

WEIS: What the hell?

That is someone.

Let’s get out of here!

JOH: What about the tent?

WEIS: Fuck the tent!

Get you shit and let’s go!

[ At the store, Ski is looking at the

clock when his cell vibrates ]

SKI: Hello

JOH: Hey, uh. . .it’s Joh

Me and Weis are lost, there

was some creepy old dude

following us and we ran. . .

SKI: What? Where are you?

[ Everyone’s in the breakroom

when Ski enters. . . ]

SKI: I have to go get Joh and Weis

they're hours away somewhere

and Joh's truck broke down. . .


Are they alright?

SKI: Yeah, I’m gonna take

Larrie with me. . . [ starts to leave ]


Why does he get to go?

SKI: Because. . .I don’t like you.

[ He leaves, and Larrie follows ]

[ Markis starts to speak, but

Airynn looks and he just smirks ]

[ In Ski’s car, Larrie is sitting

next to him listening to his

music ]

SKI: What is this CD?

LARRIE: It's Twiztid

SKI: Wow, what a fitting name!

LARRIE: Yeah, I know. . .

There they are. . .over there

SKI: Finally

[ gets in ] JOH: Thanks Ski

WEIS: Yeah, thanks

JOH: We were freaking out. . .

Dude, I’ve never ran so fast

in my entire life!

WEIS: Me either, that guy

looked freaking psycho!

SKI: Wait a minute. . .

[ turns around ]

"You guys are high, aren’t


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